Saturday, September 10, 2011


A DECADE OF WAR! (Frazer Chronicle)
Did you ever watch Starship Troopers, "the movie," well I have, actually 2 or 3 times, I just wanted to catch all the metaphors between fantasy and reality. The plot of the movie centers around a bunch of young recruits learning how to fight a hostile species of bug that threatens the human existence.

I first saw the movie sometime in  2003 or 2004, and didn't even finish watching it as I recall. I would watch maybe 10 or 20 minutes thereafter until about 2007, when I caught it on cable and watched it from beginning to end. What caught my interest was the fact that, in the movie, people were not granted citizenship at birth, rather they had to "earn" the right through risking their lives either defending the "homeland," or some philanthropic activity.

What I finally got out of the movie, was the close ties the movie depicted and what has been going on in the United States for 10 years. When you read a headline in an American  newspaper about how the country has been at war for a decade, it just "blows my mind." All the talk about "our military might," about all the money that we have spent, and the lives that have been lost, and still "there is no victory."

I guess the war on terror is like what a buddy of mine used to say, "it's like trying to catch a fart in a mitten," you can't. I do not think a victory was ever ours to be had, Iraq and Afghanistan are not our territories, they are Middle eastern countries, Muslim countries and, 10 years in, most of us don't even understand the customs, I know I don't, and I don't want to know them.

Questions still remain unanswered, many questions, the biggest of which is "why was the United States attacked on September 11th. 2001?  President Bush professed that the attack was "a hatred of Western freedom, what we stood for and the way we conducted our lives. If you except that logic, "good for you," you can now go back to bed, your an idiot.

The war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan were first and foremost about 2 issues, number 1, an American presents in the Middle East and 2, petroleum products and it's continued flow to the United States from the area.

It's time for us to drop our weapons and walk away, time for our generals to be de-commissioned, time for our military young to be released back into the country, time for everybody born in the country to be "granted" citizenship into a peaceful world leading country through friendship, understanding and respect. 

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