Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I DON'T GET IT! (Frazer Chronicle)
Aha, the Republicans are at it again, this time it's "his honor" from Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, putting a limit on the length of time that a person can be poor, at least  within the borders of Michigan. We here at Chronicle headquarters can only say "atta boy Gov," if only we'd have known that such a complex subject would have been as easy to solve as establishing a limit on poorness, we'd have done it ourselves.

48 months, that's the magic number, "I guess," in other words, if you suffer a catastrophic injury, like falling off a bar stool, or blowing out your knee on the dance floor, the clock is ticking on the amount of time you can expect support from the Michigan taxpayer.

If you loose your job, you'd better get your butt in gear and find something to do, because Michigan will discontinue their benevolent "hand-out" programs. When Snyder was elected to Michigan's "top spot" in November of 2010 and the simultaneous Republican takeover of the Michigan House, it gave Michigan's GOP a free hand to set it's own course of public assistance.

I am not a liberal, although some of my blogs may lean towards a liberal view, I can see why some conservative ideals have merit, and are based on sound economical thinking. We cannot continue to "give the milk money away," no matter what the problem is with regards to Michigan families making "ends meet."

Like a very smart man once said, "off your ass and on your feet, out of the shade and in the heat." In other words, "make your own way, and take care of your own." These are bold statements made from strong words, and to me, they make sense. I think that 99% of people want to "make their own way," and to "take care of their own." The 1% we could take care of, I would think that it would be our national responsibility.

Non-profit groups, churches and private help groups should not be included when local, state or federal government looks for ways to deal with the poor, these organizations funding is always on a roller-coaster ride and can't be counted on. Taxpayers should always be "on the hook" to bail out the poor, welfare people.

Here are a few ideas on how to help with a truly tough problem, the poor, or ignorant, the disenfranchised and those folks who have simply given up. It's not rocket science, it's not brain surgery, and you don't have to be a Rhodes Scholar. What you do have to be is honest, forthright, with an eye to the future and the welfare of the people.

Cut waste, stop abuse, cut overhead and get rid of the underfunding attitude that permeates government when it comes to "people programs." Start slashing tax abatement works programs, put a tax on the higher end income people and on the national level, get out of the "War Incorporated" business that the country is in at the present time, it only helps big business, and I for one do not want to depend on war for my existence.

Governor Rick Snyder looks like a "profile man," every time I see a picture of him, it's a profile shot, like he's posing for a posthumous shot for the history books of the future. God, Gov get some sort of life connected with today's reality and deal with the problems of the state of Michigan in a humane way.  

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