Thursday, September 8, 2011


LONG LIVE THE RED NECKS! (Frazer Chronicle)
Red necks continue to drive our country, from the beginning, to the middle, and sadly to the end. It's a mentality, not a way of life, or a geographically area connected with the southern United States, although there might be a loose connection.

I was in the land of the red necks recently, where the United States was viewed with a "love it or leave it kind of attitude." Their national holiday is coming up, September 11th. where they gather to celebrate the carnage that gave credence to their existence, and beliefs. You know, the "don't tread on me" slogans that appeared on flags during the infancy of our country.

It's like a cock fight, where rosters scratch at the dirt, puff up their chests and ready themselves for a fight in the barnyard to determine who is the biggest and baddest. It's where more learned men wait in the wings to see who will win, and then they take over.

It's a fool's paradise, where it is expected that people actually believe that Saddam Hussein was a credible threat to the United States, that he had weapons of mass destruction, that Hussein had a connection with Bin Ladin, the attack on the United States and that Hussein was searching for atomic bombs. All of this coming from a punk who was like a flea crawling across an Elephants balls with tennis shoes on,  hollering, "your next to get stomped."

Ten long years after the tragedy that was September 11th. the same tired question is asked, "was Saddam really part of the attack."  Some people are still looking for justification with regards to the United States attacking Afghanistan. It was justified, given the link between the Taliban and al-Qadea, but was Hussein and Iraq involved, absolutely not.

Here's where the red necks come in, lead by the President and the Vice-President, Bush and Cheney and their cohorts. They collectively saw an opportunity, seized the moment and ran with it, the fall-out be dammed. Like some people think, "America is great and can take these kinds of actions" without any reprisals.

What the Bush administration didn't count on was the reaction that a bold preemptive attack on an Islamic country would bring. Ten years in, the "long war" has cost more then 6000 American lives and billions of dollars.

What the American electorate didn't understand was the fact that a Democratic president would not necessarily change what the Republicans had started. Many in industry really liked the idea of a long war and the financial rewards it brought them. Whether you make war machines in America, or Mexico, American company's make money, as long as they are in charge.

American foreign policy remains delusioned, aggressive and unrealistic. Ten years after September 11th. 2001, statements are still being made like, "we are defeating the enemy," or "we are winning the war on terror." What in the world do those two statements mean.....really. The last time I checked, U.S. military were still being shot at, and hit. Iraq was still as unstable as it was a year or two ago, dozens of people die every week, power is still spasmodic, clean water is a premium and threat is everywhere.

Afghanistan is dealing with a corrupt government, U.S. Military is still trying for the "hearts and minds" of the locals and nobody pocks their "beaks" out their windows to check the weather in the morning for fear of getting it shot off.

Shouldn't we use this Sunday, September 11th. to re-evaluate our foreign policy, our industrial military complex, and the red necks that are calling the shots in American government. This is no "pissing contest," it's real, anyways, most of the old red necks don't have the power to piss from here to there.

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