Wednesday, March 21, 2012


HERE WE GO AGAIN! (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel/Frazer Chronicle)
I wonder at the size of Paul Ryan's staff, because it can't be just 1 or 2 people that devote their time to his "path to prosperity, or his new alternative path, or a path out of the woods, or a path up the creek without a paddle, or a path to sanity." I applaud his efforts, I really do, I think the guy is sincere, believes in what he is doing, and is trying his best.

But I just can't figure out why every single solitary Republican, to adjust the budget, to bring the budget more in line as a balanced one, wants to lay so much lame crap on us, the electorate with mountains of facts and figures that took months to prepare and dozens of people to complete.

At the end of the day, Paul Ryan, one of the young guns of Capital Hill simply wants us to trust him, that’s right, with almost no questions asked, so that he and his can get on with "their work." Well Paulie, "gee whiz," I'm sorry, but at least this one guy has a few questions, and for me, the system doesn't work the way I guess you'd like it to work.

We all have backgrounds that make up what a person see's in front of him, education, life’s experiences, circle of friends, family, religion and where you came from. In Paul Ryan’s case, he came from a solid Midwestern background, born in Janesville, Wisconsin in 1970.

Now I don't know about you, basically because I can't see you, in fact I can only tell anything about you through your comments to my Blogs. Some comments are nice, supportive, while others respectfully disagree and others hope I eat crap and die a horrific death.

A person like Paul Davis Ryan is relatively easy to get access to, he has chose to allow this "access" because of the very life path he has taken.....the very public life of a statesman. Intermingled with the mundane information like, high school or college attendance, early work history and circle of friends cultivated is a pattern that emerges to give the trained eye an insight into a person’s sole. "I happen to have one of these "trained eyes, I study this stuff."

My dad was a carpenter, my mother a secretary, my father-in-law a farmer/truck driver and my mother-in-law worked for Buckley, Michigan schools and also for the school system in Traverse City, Michigan. There were no extraordinary people on either side of my or my wife’s family, yet I think all in the family were and are good and decent American citizens, just like literally millions of other families in America.

Then we come to Paul Ryan, who worked for as a marketing consultant for Ryan Incorporated Central, which was run by a "branch of his family." Come on, now really, who in the hell works for a "branch of the family." Ryan in addition to his consulting experience also worked U.S. Senator Bob Kasten and Sam Brownback and was a speech writer for former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jack Kemp during his run on the national political stage in the late 1990's.

Finally in 1998 Ryan won election to his current position as representative for Wisconsin's 1st. district. He attended Craig high school in Janesville and is a graduate of the University of Ohio with a degree in economics and political sciences.

Paul Davis Ryan is a Republican who I have no doubt feels strongly about his convictions and most probably would go the extra mile for his beliefs. I think, "No actually I know," that some of his "alternative path" proposals are correct for the country, and should be implemented post haste, without them, as a people and society, we might perish.

The "alternative path" information that I have seen is 99 pages long and needs to be studied before a judgment can be rendered. The Obama white house has roasted the Ryan proposal(s) way less than 24 hours after it was printed.

Wrong.....political rhetoric, election year sound bites.....unless Democrats figure nothing is wrong in America today with our economy. The "crap we now find ourselves in which up to our necks” needs to be addressed right now. Not next month, or next budget, or next year.....but right now, things have to start somewhere and sometime, why not now.

That said, Representative Paul Davis Ryan needs to understand that health insurance, and health insurance access are two very different issues. To say something like "the market will take care of the cost," is just dumb and anybody who doesn't understand that is.....dumb.

The market has taken care of the cost of insurance for years, my daughter used to work for one of the big health insurers in one of their glass, steel and cement edifices, giving confusing information each and every day of her work life there. The "market" is the reason health care costs have skyrocketed over the past several decades.

Longer life is one of the reasons Medicare funds will someday go broke, it's not "years off," rather in most of our futures. Both Republicans and Democrats need to sit down on their collective "duffs" talk the thing out, and get an option done that is acceptable not to either party, but to the American general public.

In the days and weeks ahead, as more direct information becomes available, those people that can read, "those that can't don't worry, you'll be taken care of by us as usual," read, read, read Ryan's "alternative path." And understand it, it's important, possibly one of the most important political issues that have ever had in front of us.

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