Monday, March 19, 2012



I used to know this guy, his name is Chris, "no last names, I'd have to show you," and he loved the C.I.A. and all the spook and ghost stuff connected with the organization, he called it "the outfit." In his mind, people with the love of freedom and spies who were intent on preserving that freedom at any cost, could co-exist. I never could understand the mentality, I mean this guy was smart, was a college graduate, could articulate on almost any subject, but still, "in my opinion" had this flaw regarding how the C.I.A. needed to operate.

Did you ever read "what you could" about the United States intelligence agencies.....well I did, the list is rather impressive. I never knew that our government took such stock in preserving our freedom. The cost must be staggering, but you can't get most of the operating budget, classified. I wondered how many "secret agent men" were employed by the government and if I might have known one.....sorry, that information also is, classified.

I then thought about all of those "secret agent men" running around out there, doing their spy thing, investigating everything and frisking everybody and I felt.....hey wait a minute, I've never been frisked, could "they" have missed me, could I be "not a person of interest" in anything, I was devastated, for a minute, but recovered quickly.

There are 73 listed intelligence agencies as of November 27th. 2011, each has a director and I guess there is a director overall, of everybody, who answers to, well actually I'm not sure on that one, if there is an overall director of America's intelligence community, he might answer to God himself, probably on a bi-weekly basis, through a specially coded cryptic secret triple agent guy.

Microsoft predicts dazzling technology to surface in the next decade or so that probably would make everything in use today obsolete. But to me that smacks of job security and a "money in the bank" attitude.

I can't imagine people shelling out the bucks necessary to buy a talking dish washer, or a toilet that flapped at you whenever you walked into the bathroom. And what about the intelligent car that talks to you, warning of all sorts of possible problems, or a range of interactive computer devices. The idea is the "touch," somehow the machine will interact with a person simply by the touch.

And in an R.T. article, the question was raised as to the validity of our televisions watching us, while we were watching it, "television." The C.I.A. is exploring new technology with that very possibility, guess picking my nose, scratching certain areas of my body, or farting and putting my head under my "blanky" will become unacceptable.

C.I.A. director, David Petraeus wants to be able to watch you through some sort of portal in your dishwasher, your clothes dryer and your washing machine, good reasons to hand wash your dishes and use a Laundromat for your weekly laundry.

What’s next, do I have to start checking my cigars, can one of the Dutch-Masters be watching, is there a little camera in my Bic, is this the beginning of a "Space Odyssey 2012." Of course I realize that there are all sorts of ways that "authority figures" can track you. We can be tracked by using our cell phones, GPS, ground or land phone lines and of course the ever present "eye in the sky" satellite.

The C.I.A. has tons of restrictions against spying on America, but when it comes to national security, I'm thinking that most of these restrictions are waived and my Tru-TV programs will get bugged, to say nothing of real television channels like CBS, or ABC or Fox, these guys will sell out there sister for a buck.

It's obvious, at least to me, that our government isn't going to raise a finger in defense of its citizen's rights, those citizens, folks, are you and I. But fear not, I have a plan, whenever you are watching television, wear a Halloween gorilla mask, Load your washer and dryer backwards, cook with your elbows and can your fart smells for later enjoyment.

It's a tough world out there, and until we put a short leash on these guys, make sure we know where every penny is going to fund these nut jobs, we are at risk of losing more and more of our freedoms, you know like the ones we haven't already lost.

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