Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Israel is referred to as a Nation State. Nation States are countries where the social concept of nation, coincide with the political concept of state. Actually what Israel is, is a patch of ground with a sovereign government that was established in 1948. David-Ben-Gurion, executive head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency of Palestine declared Israel an independent state, free from the British mandate for Palestine.

Israel is bordered on three sides by Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon and to the east by the Mediterranean Sea. Israel is the world’s only Jewish majority state, and as such are sensitive to all things Jewish.

The United States has been a staunch ally of Israel for many years, the reasons way too obvious and numerous to list. Israel, like the George W. Bush administration, is talking pre-emptive military strikes in Iran for perceived weapons of mass destruction and nuclear bombs.

Iran says that it does not have any such weapons and that their nuclear researching is for power only, for their people. In today's world of instant information, of big brother watching "your big brother," how could it be possible for one nation to secretly make an atomic bomb?

Israel for years has been rumored to have unlisted nuclear capabilities and in fact does have a nuclear device.....or two lying around. If that is a fact, pretty much everybody who is anybody believes, why shouldn't Iran be allowed to build the bomb?

Military might in today's world, as in past times is nothing more than a deterrent to war, a way for "boys with their toys to flex their muscles from time to time," to let everybody know who's the strongest kid on the block.

At first it was sticks or rocks, then spears and arrows, then flint-locks, then repeater rifles, and now nuclear devices. Sticks and stones, spears and arrows, and even flint lock rifles were okay to wage war with, the collateral damage was minimal. Once carpet bombing, bunker busting and precision bombing came along, war began to injure way too many people.

We now are faced with another war in the Middle East, a war that we as a nation are ill equipped to enter. The United States is teetering on the edge of financial ruin and has been off and on for much of its history. It's funny, I believe if the U.S. tipped over, and the country had to start over, not much would change, people would still pay their bills, services would still be rendered, it's a sign of how strong our system really is.

If Israel does in fact, attack Iran, over this question of nuclear capability, shots will be fired on the ground and in the air, but not one nuclear bomb will be let loose. Rest easy folks, everybody knows the wrath that any kind of nuclear weapon would bring the world. Everybody is scared by the prospect, even those half witted jerks that the United States calls its enemy.

Binyamin Netanyahu and for that matter, our own President Obama are doing nothing more than flexing their muscles, doing photo ops and getting face time. I hate war, but I guess I have to admit that the peoples of the world need some sort of war's derivative. Why doesn't Obama take on Netanyahu in a 1on1 game of HORSE, the winner either advances to Putin, or whoever else wants to play.

For Israel to threaten war over some sort of possible threat to its population is ridiculous, the religious wars have ended, let’s remember that and move on.

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