Sunday, June 17, 2012



(Asian Times/Frazer Chronicle)

Is the United States becoming a "rogue" state, have we been a rogue state.....and whatever happened to a rogue lover? I've been a rogue in my time, I always thought it was kinda cool to be a rogue, you know, a guy that the other fellas didn't trust around their women......and a guy that women couldn't trust THEMSELVES being around, "Hey, that was me."

Did you ever look up the meaning of the word.....rogue, a rogue is a kind of dink, a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel.....a scallywag. Now there's a really neat word, scallywag, I didn't use the word in the title of this blog, figured to many people would think I was making up the word scallywag.

But it does mean almost the same as a rogue, except it was pretty much used during the Civil War to describe a white southerner who supported reconstruction policies after the war. Why the fascination with rogues or scallywags, well, I watched a documentary last night on H.B.O. "41". It was about George H.W. Bush, his family, his life and of course, his presidency.

I voted for Bush "41" in 1988, thought he was a good guy, with lots of experience, and a fella with genuine ideas and the good of the nation. I didn't look into his background, like where he came from, how his family made their money, like most everybody else I listened, read, talked with a few people and then voted.

Like most of you all, I understand that most political figures come from money, or are businessmen/women and pretty much have lived a fortunate life style. Private schools, college degree(s) at least, (sorry Scott Walker) and a pretty structure life.....compared to most of us.

The United States has become a much different country then many others in the world today, in many ways we are more structured, have a somewhat different value system, and hold important some things that other countries simply don't care about. We are "westernized", we pretty much value a dollar bill and what it can bring you.

Some other countries value family first and foremost, and will put family before everything else, wealth, position, job, title. Some countries are brutally honest with themselves, seem to realize their shortcomings and conduct themselves within those guidelines.

It seems, here in the United States (sometimes) presidents are rated by how aggressive they act with regards to their foreign policies. In the H.B.O. documentary I watched, Bush "41" go to great lengths to explain how he felt "justified" in going to war, "Desert Storm" with Saddam Hussein.

Here's the thing with regards to America making war, "I know, I know," you understand how I feel about war, but it's true, the United States has made war on foreign ground since December 8th1941, with the exception of September 11, 2001. Did you ever think about how many wars and skirmishes the U.S. has been in? How much they have cost us, and how many lives have been lost?

I'm a jovial guy, I love to joke, I love to make people laugh and I really don't care if the jokes on me, as long as we laugh and have a good time, I think that's part of my job as a human, to make people laugh. But when it comes to war, and the seeming pre-occupation we have with war.....well, it's no laughing matter.

History has proven what former presidents wanted, what some in their administration desired, what presidents have achieved, what they have built up, or torn down. Whether for the good of the union, or for the worse, as a country, we have stood by our presidents for better or worse.

We don't need more war, we don't need more deaths caused by war, and we sure as hell don't need the financial damage the war causes. I personally don't give a crap about Iraq, Iran, or Afghanistan. I care about how Wisconsin is operated, how our national transportation system is repaired, how we can all access health insurance and how, as a nation, we can clean up our cities, wash away the ignorance and lower the cost of an education.....for everybody.

George H. Bush was, in my opinion a crazy war making idiot, swayed by some of the worst advisers ever collected in one administration. Barack Obama ran his campaign partly on getting the U.S. out of the Middle East.....and hasn't done it.

We now have problems in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, of course Cuba as well as the horn of Africa. I'm sure that there are more, I just don't have the clearance to know, and if I did.....I'd have to kill you after I relayed the information.

There is a wall at C.I.A headquarters that lists those agents that have lost their lives during the efforts that they made in their jobs. No names, just stars on a white wall.....what a joke, spooks to the end, even when they aren't around to voice an opinion.

President Obama, or future president Romney are both on board in expanding the country's military reach.....protecting our foreign interests as well as spreading our way of government and keeping the world a "hot bed" for democracy, capitalism and a conduit for the money flow to the rich and shameless of the world.

Is the United States a rogue state, a rogue country intent on forcing it's way on other peoples of the world, be the judge. We don't send envoys, or diplomats anymore, we "drone" our advisories, a heartless way of letting people, governments, terrorists and opponents know exactly where we stand on a subject, and where other nations stand with regards to our wants and desires.

Politicians talk about their legacy, just the other day Erik Holder was asked how he wanted his legacy to read.....what a ridiculous question, I say "let the chips fall where they may," just do your job. Everybody should do his/her job.....and question.....question almost everything that comes out of Washington, or from a politician’s mouth.


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