Thursday, June 28, 2012

(Google News/Frazer Chronicle)

Thats right, I didn't make a gramarical error, I used the word "Shirley" instead of "surely," I did it for a reason. Shirley, a womens name, means bright grassland, and the headlines in today's Google computer news web-page is anything but "bright." And it sure as hell ain't informative, unless you are muddle brained enough to just read what soimebody has typed onto a word processor.

As a people, as a country, we need information, not opinion, but opinion is exactly what we get, each and every day of the week. We get opinion on the radio, on television and in the printed source of news.

I watch the news, I listen to the news and I read the news, yet at the end of the dayI am left with a mixed montadge of several peoples opinions. When I write a  blog, you can bet the babies milk money that what you read from me opinion. This blog isn't called the "Frazer Chronicle" for nothing, it's my forum, my platform to air my opinions.

Oh sure I lean left of center, I have never disguised that fact, but I'm not above agreeing with some of what the right believes in, wants to practice, or how Republicans  want to run the government. It's called a "differance of opinion," and to me, differing view points is what makes the world go round, it tends to keep us all on our toes.

News media was created to feed of differing opinion, to present differing views on those opinions, and to let the general public make up their own minds based on that material. But today the media feeds off one opinion, trashes the other and pushes their own agenda.

The Keystone XL Pipeline that was proposed to go from way up in Canada to the gulf coast of Texas was vetoed by President Obama in  December of 2011. But almost without exception, there has been headlines in the Google news page about "information" with regards to the pipeline.

What this point it's a dead issue, it's DOA, the project has even been dropped from the Republicans highway bill for 2013. Obviously somebody didn't get the message that the project has been shelved, at least for now. But somehow, some way, the story keeps popping up on Google news, not just a headline or two, but today, 6/28/12, there were 8 bi-lines on the subject.

The Keystone XL is not an issue for the general population of the United States.....most have moved on to other issues. Google should stop caving in to the oil lobbist, it's getting sickening, and actually cheapens the news coverage that Google offers. 

Another key issue in headline news is the healthcare battle that has been waged by both the left and the right for many months now. Today the Surpreme Court ruled, "5-4" to uphold the Obama administration plan as constitutional.  

Mark my words, headlines will continue for months, right up to the election in November and way past that time. The Obama people drafted a 900 page plan that nobody has read, much less understands. People want health care, and they don't want it to bankrupt them.....and it shouldn't.

But to matter what happens in November, the battle over which health care plan to use is far from over, and the interest in the issue  will be fanned by the media for whatever good they can "ring" out of the debate.

For me, I wish we could go back to good old comic books, Super-man and the age of super heros, "them were the good old days." Nobody had to think, to read into the hidden message, it was a simpler time....."damn, it was a time of my youth," like when I was thirty.

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