Friday, June 29, 2012

(Frazer Chronicle)

Can it really be that hard to understand, I mean I'm no Rhodes Scholar, yet I think I got it pretty much figured out. A big dispute to the health care question has been individual choice, at least that is what has been said. Okay, I guess I can understand that opinion, but in the big picture, if you honestly put things in perspective, the argument doesn't really hold up.

We are talking about medical treatment here, absolutely health care treatment is not garunteed by law, or by the United States Constitution, health care just seems like it should be available for all U.S. citizens to take advantage of.

I know people who use emergancy room services like it's there own personal physian, hell they makes visits every month or so. These places can't refuse services, but they do not have to give treatment above and beyond the visitors specific aliment, that's the rules.

There are people all over the country that do not have enough proper health insurance, they do not have enough coverage. What are these people supposed to do, wither on the vine, live in a bubble, or, as they are now doing.....die.

American's are inundated with all sorts of government mandates, whether they are local, state or federal. There are things that we take for granted that we have to do to operate in today's socieity, car insurance, building ordances, seat belts, no smoking, no talking, quite zones, no standing, no parking, speed limits, and yes, no shirt, no shoes, no service.

Government is all about control, it's all about protecting us.....from us, so why not have some sort of socalized medical plan, where health care is available.....for all. Whats the big deal, my insurance plan does not allow me to visit whichever doctor I choice, if there not on a list somewhere, I can't see them unless I pay.

This has been the practice for years, insurance companies enter into an agreement with doctors and pay less amounts for services rendered, whats the problem?  I wanted to "shop around" for a cheaper dentis, but guess what, my dental insurance wouldn't allow me to do that.....not under their coverage anyways.

The biggest problem, as I see it is the small business man, the guy with 5 or 10 employees who may be mandated to provide insurance for his employees. That can be a problem, a game changer, something that needs to be addressed.

I do not figure that employers should be duty bound to provide health insurance to their employees, I figure it, "health care" should come from taxation. Thats right, you heard it here 1st. people paying a tax for health coverage.

It makes since....."at least to me," at least a tax for health insurance could be easily seen, and felt, and it could be better controled if it were tax money. The governmental agency would just have to work at their jobs to ensure control.

This question really isn't a left,  right, or Teabagger issue, it's a people issue, it's all about each and every one of us, and the health care that we are provided with. Are  you as sick and tired about all the cackling that our elected leaders are spouting off with.

Those of you who aren't on board with unified health care for all need to get your head out of the place where the sun don't shine to often. Some things aren't the law of the land, there not in the constitution and there not posted on any doorway, some things are just the right things to do.....and health care for all is one of those things.

Now, lets not have anymore discussion about this issue, lets just get on with being "our brothers keeper," at least with regards to health care. Not one more person needs to die because he/she doesn't have access to affordable health care.

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