Sunday, September 8, 2013



(Rachael Rittner, Lauren Tuck, Yahoo O.M.G. News)

(Live Science, EILE Décor, Yahoo Shine, )

(Gina Spadafori, Motley Fool)

(Frazer Chronicle)


I go to my friendly grocery store at least once a day, my wife say’s it’s too much, but I can’t help it, it’s a tradition with me, plus I like the girls that work the different departments and the check-out lanes. My super-market as they used to be called is big enough for me to purchase the items I need, and small enough to carry on conversations with the employees.


I also like the idea that the owner, Paul Fasbinder, is usually cruising the aisles and he’ll stop and talk with customers, get their feelings about products, and let you know how business is. It’s almost a throw-back to the Ma and Pa operation of middle 50’s and 60’s…’s comfortable.


In the check-out aisles I get a chance to strike up conversations with other customers, and wait my turn to check out. I do mostly what other people that are waiting do; strike up a casual conversation, look at the candy bars, or scan the headlines of the Tabloids. I’m always struck at how frivolous the headlines are in these smutty rags. I really can’t figure out who would buy them, however I must confess that my mother, in her later years waited with baited breath for my sister to bring her the weekly publication.


I surf the inter-net every day of the week looking for subject matter that I feel is important enough to share with you all, and lately I’ve noticed a trend on the “net” that is reminding me of super market tabloids. The troubled lives of entertainers, the trials and tribulations of the royals, the love triangles of the famous, and Brad Pitt and his last movie…..ever.


Somebody out there has got to be eating this stuff up…..I’m not sure that I know even one person who gives a crap about some of this junk…..I know I don’t. And then you’ve got this Politifact, or Politico-Fact Checker outfits that rate our political leaders with their truth-o-meter. It’s kind of cool how they rate the different people, telling the truth by percentages unless what is said is totally off the wall, and then the rating is pants on fire, I really dig that rating!



I have chosen ten different headlines that appeared on Yahoo this morning, they are in no particular order, and believe me have no real value as far as our lives are concerned. I just wanted to share them with you, and maybe get your reaction…..of course many of you may like some of these idyllic proses, if so, then these headlines are for you:


MAGIC MUSHROOM DIET, I have absolutely no idea what this means, but you’d better be careful which mushrooms you eat.


COUPLES $1, 56 WEDDING RECEPTION, it’s the epitome of BYO nothing will be supplied by the happy couple.


JOHANSSON’S GORGEOUS GOWN, could care less about what Scarlet Johansson wears, and I bet most of the male population in the U.S. would rather see her with less clothes anyways.




IS IT OKAY FOR DOGS & CATS TO SLEEP IN YOUR BED, absolutely…..if you want ticks and fleas, otherwise a big fat NO.


KATY PERRY AT YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY, who the hell is Katy Perry, and why would anybody care if she attended your birthday festivities?


SMARTEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, this headline, tucked neatly into the Yahoo news section of today’s net is really ambivalent, if you’re country/s not on the list your pissed, and if you are on it, it means that you’ll have to work harder to achieve what people will expect from you…..and you’ll be pissed.


THREE THINGS TO DO AFTER YOU DISCOVER BURIED TREASURE, (1) get new friends, (2) disown your family, and (3) move to a small south sea island.


9/11 Responders at Pentagon and Pennsylvania plane crash site apply for compensation benefits, wow their request really pokes holes into their hero status… thinks!


INSIDE CAMERON DIAZ’S HOME, Look I’m close to 70, why would I want to see where Cameron Diaz lives much less look at a bunch of photos of her laying around in her apartment?


STUDY REVEALS HOW TO WIN BELLY FAT WAR, now this one might have a bit of merit, I mean I’ve been fighting a losing battle of the bulge for years…..well lately I’ve kind of given up, but hey if this BELLY FAT war or plan, whichever you call it is easy, I’d jump in feet first. Course I’d still want my chips, my donuts, fried chicken, oh ya, and my McDonald’s French Fries…, that would really taste good right about now.


Well my friends there you have it…..see I can write stuff about funny stuff, it’s just that it’s so hard to find the truly funny stuff. Back to reality tomorrow.



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