Monday, January 27, 2014


(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dave Umhofer, Kimberly Amadeo)

(The Right Moves, But the Wrong Moves, Albert H. Hunt, Lane Evans)

(Congressional Record, John K. Galbraith, The Atlantic, Philippe Aghion)

(Karla Hoff, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Randy P. Albelda, Helen Delich Bentley, Hope Yen)

(Green Bay Press Gazette, New York Times, Ron Nixon, Getty News, PolitiFact, Frazer Chronicle)

In an hour-long state of the state speech this past Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Governor Scott Walker made 42 references to taxes while unveiling proposals for additional income tax and property tax cuts. I was all ears until I heard about the figures that our fearless governor was dancing around with. $101 dollars on your next property tax bill, or a family making $40,000 a year would give them about a $58 annual savings…..huh.

Gee Gov. if you’re talking about saving me $159 dollars off my state income taxes, and my property taxes, well, that would be just great…..however, I can get along without $159 dollars, why not take all of those $159 dollars, split it up among those people on food stamps, and other government programs, they can use it more than me.

Oh here’s an even better idea, divvy the $159 up amongst those business’s who pay their employees sub-standard wages and divide it up so their employees make $10.65 instead of $10 an hour. Of course the overhead incurred by government to divide this money up, and then the additional bookkeeping charge by these sub-standard wage payers would also take a bite outta the $159, giving the lowly employee even less…..and then there would be state and federal taxes paid by the employee… know what, just forget my ideas, Governor Walker, do whatever you figure is right.

There is some much intricate business going on here that people like me end up not knowing where to start from, especially when a guy like me preaches the value of uncomplicatedness. Maybe I’ve mistaken simple mindedness for uncomplicatedness, that’s probably more to the point; I’m just a simple minded buffoon that would explain everything.

Republicans continue to bang their drums of tax cuts and reforms mostly for the rich so that a trickle-down economy system will work, like Reaganomics back in the 1980’s. Damn boys, I got a flash for you, it didn’t work then, and it won’t work today…..actually it’ll never work, pretty much because the big money institutes (industrial giants and other big-wigs) operate on a bottom line mentality. Their jobs are to eliminate jobs, not to create them.


I could headline this Why Republicans will always support tax cuts for the rich, and corporations, but I figured that you guys already equated rich people and corporations as one in the same, I know that I do. Either through government bail-outs, or loans or subsidizing low wages with governmental assistance food, heat, and health programs… and the corporate world the in the good old U.S. of A. has never been better…..and I haven’t even touched outsourcing, and won’t.

According to Republicans dating back to the Nixon years, if you cut taxes to the rich, they’ll hire more, increase wages and all will prosper. Gee, Nixon invented Trickle-Down Economics, not Reagan…..what a discovery.

During the Republican years, holding power in the White House, without exception, these presidents that held their allegiance worked to implement this type of taxation…..and look where we’re at today…..further apart with regards to equal financial benefits that maybe in the history of our country.

Trickle-down economy doesn’t work, it’s never worked, if it did, PLEASE somebody explain to me why the average American’s wage is stagnant. An interesting word, stagnant, inactive, still, unmoving, foul, and stale…..a stinking situation. Politicians need to go back to school for a refresher course in the languages, labor in the United States STINKS, and it’ll get worse until we, as a people wake up and whiff it!

Okay here’s the gist of my dialog herein, rich people don’t care about the masses that make up the population of this country, they never have, and it’s not in their best interest, oh sure they’ll give, or initiate projects and issues to help the masses… a point, but they’ll never pass that point, that point, whenever the masses become too comfortable, and began to resemble coming to an equal plain as the rich…..that’ll never happen.

Republicans somehow figure that they’ll be allowed to sit at the same table as the rich and shameless, but that, like the masses getting to the same plain as the rich will absolutely never happen. In a way I feel sorry for these types of people, they simply do not understand that their being lead around by their noses, doing the bidding of the rich and the corporations.


The rich and the corporations appreciate people like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his cohorts that fill the governmental halls of the state capital in Madison. Walker is getting the job of industry done, not for the people of Wisconsin, but for the Republican machine that is looking to maybe mold them a serious candidate man to occupy the White House in 2016.

Running the state of Wisconsin is just the beginning of things for Scott Walker and his young cronys, for them, at this point, the political sky is the limit. These people run out their tired old statistics, and rhetoric and run the same message up their flag pole that was used 10 years ago, 20 years ago, and 30 years ago, the message is the massage, it titillates the same like-minded people as it did 40 years ago, the only difference is that they are now in the 70’s and 80’s, and are more entrenched than ever. The only good thing is that they are closer to death.

We need a new direction, not from Democrats, or Republicans, but by the people, the masses.



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