Friday, January 31, 2014



(Al Jazeera, Georg-Andreas Pogany, Soldier Advocate)

(Dr. Ivan Covas, Robert Alvarez, Sylvia Dominguez, The Gazette)

(Dave Philipps, Michael Ciagio, Jerrald Jensen, Tom Brown, Luke Adams)

(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sean Cockerham, McClatchy, Frazer Chronicle)


As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, “I listened to the president’s speech,” and came away with opinions based on what he said and his track record over the first 460 days of living in the White House as guests of the American taxpayer. Please…..PLEASE don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want his job, and know that he spends many 14 and 16 hour days on the job, and more sleepless nights that would be healthy for a human being.

But near the end of his address to us he talked about Sergeant Cory Remsburg, and his 10 tours of duty in Afghanistan. And it got me to thinking as I got a tissue for my wife who was aghast to learn that somebody would risk himself to 10 tours of duty in Afghanistan. This is not to say that I wasn’t surprised to learn that somebody would open themselves up to the rigors and dangers of serving so many combat tours…..and was a bit surprised that the military would allow it.

Remsburg served with an elite Ranger Regiment whose tours of duty in combat zones were restricted to about one 100 days in the field. That still adds up to right around 3 years of combat, where you’re shooting at people, and being shot at. The law of averages simply ran out on Sgt. Remsburg and he’s lucky to be alive…..or is he?

For all intents and purposes Cory Remsburg’s life is over, he’ll never be normal again, he’ll always have a physical defect to deal with…..and in time, the attention and adulation will die down, and Mr. Remsburg will be left to his own devices, his own struggles, and the realization that he volunteered his life for his country.

Remsburg was born in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1983 and moved to St. Louis Missouri where he lived with his father and step mother. Remsburg participated in his high school marching band, orchestra, and jazz band. He also belonged to the German Club and played on the varsity volley ball team as well as being highly active in the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Civil Patrol program.

It was during the latter part of high school that Cory became interested in the Army Rangers, joining the United States Army from his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri in 2001. Remsburg attended One Station Unit Training Basic Airborne Course and the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program at Fort Benning, Georgia and was assigned to 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia where he served since 2002.

It was on his 10th rotation (tour of combat deployment) in both Iraq and Afghanistan when he and his squad were conducting a combat operation involving multiple enemy contacts on October 1, 2009 when he was gravely injured by an impoverished explosive device, an IED from which he has been recovering ever since.

What we say at the end of President Obama’s state of the nation speech on January 28th is probably about as good as this young man will ever get. His care and his well-being have now become a nation’s problem… it should be. When a U.S. soldier either is killed, physically or mentally damaged, it indeed becomes a civilian problem, we are the tax payers, and we’ll be footing Sgt. Remsburg bills for the rest of his days.


It can take some time, but eventually every man or women that is in the military, any branch, and no matter which country one’s affiliation might lay, when people shot weapons at one another, or when bombs are exploded, inevitably somebody is gonna get hit, killed, and blown apart…’s simply the nature of the beast.

The results of war is what is supposed to keep us from waging it, when are we ever going to learn that diplomacy, although much more tedious, is one hell of a lot better than scraping our people’s innards off the streets of some city that we can’t even pronounce let along spell. Collecting dog tags and writing letters to grieving mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, girlfriends and wives is all that war accomplishes.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “conscription now, conscription tomorrow, and conscription forever,” without a doubt a draft is the best deterrent to war. Do you really think that SSG. Cory Remsburg understood the complexities of what he was getting into when he signed on the dotted line back in 2001, (hell no he didn’t,) and that’s part of the problem, recruiters lie their butts off to cover their quotas (they have them you know, quotas).

However Cory Remsburg went from being a victim the same time he volunteered for his 3rd tour of duty in a combat zone. His fate was sealed when he agreed to serve another 100 day tour, why you ask, because after his two tours, when he was able to walk, talk and eat without assistance, he’d used up about all of his luck, his nine lives. He’d fought the good fight…..and needed to get the hell out! But he didn’t, and he’ll pay the price for the rest of his life, and so will we.

Hell he might as well have smoked four packs of cigarettes a day and drank a 5th of booze, at least he’d of had a better time, and the life-style probably would have killed him, but ah-ha, we’d have been left off the taxpayers hook…..they still have Potters grave-yards all over the country…..where they’ll bury you at local taxpayers’ expense.

Do not get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for SSG. Cory Remsburg and I respect the hell out of his decisions with regards to serving his country in the Army Rangers. However that is where my respect stops, anybody who volunteers 10 times to go into combat zones, and spend in excess of 3 years dodging bullets and bombs needs his head examined, because clearly he wasn’t operating with all of his oars in the water.


It’s kind of funny how some people follow the United States government, and their decisions with a blind faith that is usually reserved for adolescence, or younger impressionable late teenagers. I think that these young men and some young women listen with their heart, and not their brains, you know, that lump about three feet above your ass.

Recruiting methods and materials are geared towards the younger adults, and proclaim all sorts of grandiose rewards for joining up. From those snappy uniforms, to traveling throughout the world, most recruiters remind me of car salesmen, and sell, sell, sell.

Again, as I’ve said in the past, I understand that we need a standing military force, if for nothing else than natural disasters. Guarding the president, or the pageantry that’s connected with visiting dignitaries, to patrolling borders, there is a need for a small military force.


Numbers of military personnel:

(Active duty)

Army,                                                   541,291

Air Force,                                             333,772

Navy,                                                   317,237

Marines,                                               195,238

Coast Guard,                                          42,357

Over 1.4 million active military personnel waiting for the call to front lines, so that they can use the military skills that they were taught, and spent months training for. These young men and women are like an itchy finger on the trigger of a weapon… fact exactly like the finger on the trigger of a gun.

The break-down for the male to female active count is 210,485 active women soldiers, and 1,219,511 active male counterparts. The reserve count, (American civilians that can be called to active service if needed,) stands at 850,880. Today in the United States, if there was an all-out war declared on anybody, we can rest assured in our defense, that there would be 2,280,876 able bodied fighting forces to protect our way of life.  

Having a powerful military has always proven to be the key for the development of any nation, from the middle ages on, nations have spent considerable amounts of money in maintaining and developing an active army. Investing in a country’s military helps to keep order, researching advanced equipment that are beneficial to the armed forces as well as a nation, and usually gives low paying employment to a pretty large segment of the country.

Today in most developed countries, civilian taxes support their military organizations entirely, in a kind of tit for tat (you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours) way. However the back scratching has escalated here in the United States more than anywhere else in the world… the history of the world.

Beginning with India, $112 billion, The Peoples Republic of China, $106.4 billion, Russia, $71.2 billion, United Kingdom, $62.7, Japan, $58.9 billion, Saudi Arabia, $48.1 billion, France, $44.7 billion, Germany, $31.5 and Brazil, $28.7 billion, these nations’ military spending follows the United States, who spends a total of $664.8 billion.

The U.S. has, in addition to active and reserve forces that number 2,280,876, more than 600,000 in their intelligence community with a budget that’ll approach $1.7 billion. I guess you could say that the United States intelligence and military forces is a booming industry, with no sign of a slow-down. And by the way, the additional $1.7 billion that the U.S. spends on intelligence is more than the entire defense budget of any country on the face of the planet.

So when I say that our military personnel are acting like surrogates for industry and wannabe’s I’m not badmouthing the military, rather I’m singling for a wake-up call to these brave young men and women. The battle that you’re engaged on a daily bases is not protecting the United States, rather the wallets of industrials and those politicians that are engaged in profiteering.

It’s not almost criminal, how these people bamboozle some of our young people, it is criminal, and these people need to be tracked down, brought up on charges, tried, convicted… put in jail, now, wouldn’t that be a fitting end to these scum, us taxpayers supporting their time in jail.


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