Thursday, January 16, 2014



(The Heritage Foundation, Romina Boccia)

(Christian Science Monitor, Mark Trumbull, Associated Press)

(David Dayen, Fox News, Greta Van Susteren, Elspeth Reeve, Stan Milam)

(Jamie Crawford, Mathew DeLuca, Marcia Nelson, The Seattle Times, Joel Connelly)

(Ashley Kilough, David Lauter, David Stockman, Joanna Zelman, Dan Balz, Frazer Chronicle)


Ones a Wisconsinite, the other a Washington state native, ones a male, the other…..what else, a female, and ones a Republican while the other was the very first Washington State women to be elected Senator in 1993. The other was elected to his post as Wisconsin’s 1st District Representative by in 1999 at the tender age of just 29.


Both are tough, seasoned political combatants for their respective parties and see governmental operations from different prospective…..which is a good thing. It’s actually where the good ends…..and the bad for both, and eventually us, the constituents begin.


One lived a somewhat favored life in lower Wisconsin, born into a lawyers family with a family business, took a job one summer working a McDonald’s grill, drove the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, and eventually became a college grad, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, a double major in economics and political science from Miami University.


The other was born in Bothell, Washington to an accountant mother, and a Purple Hart award winner father who became disabled with Multiple Sclerosis and the family was forced to apply for welfare assistance. A Bachelor of Arts degree in physical education from Washington State University in 1972 propelled this person to an early career as a preschool teacher, and also taught a parenting class at Shoreline Community College.


Both have held their respective elected positions since the 1990’s, having built strong political networks, and are used to the political battles that are waged in Washington D.C. One has absolutely no ambition to carry their political career any further than it already is, while the other has aspirations to one day be the Commander and Chief, and preside over all that he can see.



I’m sure some of you have already guessed, if not, they are Republican Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and Senator Patty Murray from the great state of Washington. And they are credited with creating a counter operating budget for the United States of American for 2014, as opposed to the budget that President Obama submitted.


These two people…..and their staffs and I’m sure a slew of their own advisors, took what the president submitted and what was suggested by governmental department heads, who had their staffs and their own slew of consultants to offer their own allocations that were to be considered. I realize that this process sounds a bit redundant, but it’s really the way things are done, and have been for years and years.


If you’ll remember the last budget which was submitted and re-submitted, which was finally passed after a 16 day governmental shut-down, actually drew blood. That will not be the way of it with this proposed compromised 1,600 page document, it’s on the fast track, and it’ll be passed and in the books by the week-end, and for whatever it’s worth, I guarantee that it will.  


Here’s the rub, there’s always a rub…..isn’t there, in this case, the rub is the poor people and the idiotic thinking with regards to the Pentagon (war department) which gets pretty much what they applied for, and the rhetoric of budget discipline that was talked about when entitlement food-stamps, extended unemployment benefits, and Obama-care were the topic of discussion.


Can you say “cut and slash,” yes that’s right, the poor sap that is kicking 60, has been outta work for 16 months and has a great future…..behind him, won’t be getting much in the way of benefits, no-sir-ee, not as long as Johnny Dough Boy needs ammo, rifles, and bombs…..please go to the back of the line, and wait your turn.


I refuse to go into the particulars of all the crap that was added, cut, hidden, or pressed out of the budget, neither you are I have the time to read everything that both parties will pass in way less than a fortnight (a United Kingdom measure referring to two weeks) which shouldn’t surprise any of us.


This bipartisan action isn’t meant for the average citizen..oh wait, we pay taxes.. so I guess what is passed in a way is meant for us…we’re the lucky stiffs who gotta pay. I gotta ask the one question that nobody else ever asks, who died and made these people (elected officials) God? See what I mean, not a sound can be heard…..cause nobody answers.


The only real answer is that absolutely nobody is capable of drafting an operating budget for 360,000,000 people, they don’t teach that course in college. So what do these finance committee chairman and members do…..glad you asked… the answer is, like us with many big decisions, they wing it, ya that’s right, they wing it, hope for the best and clean up whatever doesn’t stick to the wall.



An operating budget of $1.1 trillion dollars, hell I have no idea how many zeros are attached to that number 1, somebody let me know. Something else nobody wants to talk about is the fact that this $1.1 trillion dollar budget will only allocate money until the end of the fiscal…..September 30…..2014. The hell you say, all this hullabaloo for…..umm, let me count, less than 250 days, you gotta be jiving me, man.


Look I’ve heard of “job security,” but this gig is nuts, the hell with Paul Ryan, to hell with Patty Murray, let’s get somebody into office that can count…..geez. Hell my granddaughter can count better then these jokers, and she’ll work for a good sized breakfast, and a late afternoon snack.


I’m sorry, but I gotta sign off, I’m despondent, and have a feeling of anxiety, eek, I just got a peek at Senator Barbara Mikulski (D) Maryland, and Representative Hal Rogers, Kentucky… wonder were in trouble with these people running the operations of government, she needs a body lift, and Rogers needs a good old fashioned switching out behind the barn.



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