Friday, May 24, 2013


(ANTI WAR.COM, USA TODAY, Frazer Chronicle)


I’m a taxpayer, just like almost every other citizen in our country, I’m not special, or need some kind of perceived consideration because of my age, or station in life, I’m more then capable of doing for myself with regards to everything that goes in the rigors of everyday life. One thing I do however need, just like all the rest of the citizens that make up our country is the truth…..and when I find situations where I’ve been lied to, and things have been fabricated…..using my own money, I get really, really pissed off.


I was born in 1943, so I guess that makes me a war-time baby, my dad never served a single day in military service, he had a double hernia, actually what is called a Hiatal Hernia, a weakness in the diaphragm, it was operable, he just chose not to have the procedure done…..thus a get out of the war card.


I spent my time in the military, two years, I never ever liked my time there, I didn’t see the sense in running around the deserts of Arizona, or through the woods of Europe playing soldier. All of the cadre while I was in the military were either World War 2, or Korean veterans…..and they had some horrific tales to tell. I learned early on, that when the stories tended to glorify military events, they were usually not true stories; it was the more subdued, sad stories that were usually true.


There was propaganda before I was in the military, there was propaganda while was serving, and of course there’s been propaganda since my departure. I paid little attention to the seeming departure from the truth that our war department seemed to follow to sell their activity. After my active duty, and after I was basically through with raising my kids, I slowly became aware of the crap that our government sometimes laid on us…..thickly.


However over the past 12 years, the bull---- birds have really come to the forefront, and I feel the need to speak out, and admonish those people either in charge, or those in the back-ground who push the buttons of war…..enough already!


The Government Accountability Office, (GOA) takes a stab at the Pentagon for spending hundreds of millions of dollars over the past 8 years in an effort to sell the war against terror to the United States as well as many Middle Eastern nations. Although the stories of advertising programs of the Pentagon didn’t shock me, it did make me want to sit down and do my part as a dove and a peace advocate, I’ve had it with these war mongering dinks.



Ya there’s a web-site out there called ANTI WAR .COM and I’m neither an advocate or supporter of the site, I’m just glad that somebody out there voices a different opinion about the war, the casualties, and the broken minds and bodies that come back home from these foreign lands…’s not right that they are broken beyond repair, they deserve better.


I’m a big stat person, way down at the end of the line; statistics can’t be disputed, if 18,584 military have been listed as wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and 4,488 have lost their lives in Iraq and an additional 2,224 have met their maker in Afghanistan…..these are undeniable facts, and they have effected well over 20,000 families.



Just think of that for a minute, a decent sized city of 20,000 inhabitance are in either mourning, or readying themselves for another day of care for a returned loved one from the battle fields of the Middle East who are broken, battered beyond repair…..all they are is a daily ritual of bed sores, colostomy bags and bandage changing.


For them, the war is over, sadly their life is mostly also over, depending on the extent of their wounds, they won’t ever throw a baseball to their sons, will never again want to pro-create, and in many cases will hide from the general public to ashamed to face even their closeted family members.



The USA TODAY had a headline in the May 24, 2013 edition which read, FROM BOYHOOD TO THE BATTLEFIELD, and I understand where they were coming from, but I figured that expanding the headline to include TO THE GRAVE was a more complete and to the point headline. Included are stories about sons and family members lost in the two wars.


In every war mostly men get killed, come home in body bags, greeted by the anguished cries of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends and lovers. Without exception we need to focus on these scenes, it’s why we don’t want to make war.


I personally could care less why a young man or women felt the need to serve his country, the urge was misguided, misunderstood, and just plain wrong. If everybody laid their arms on the ground, how much war do you think would be made…..I guess a nice round figure of zero would about cover the equation.


However the people that are really misguided are the mothers, the fathers and the family members who talk tradition, that talk… me, is non impressive, doesn’t equate a feeling of thankfulness, or of patriotic duty, I just wonder how they figure on dodging the bullets that will be coming their way in a war zone.


I don’t blame the people that sign-up for military service, although I feel that whatever their reason, it is misguided, and a part of the convoluted reason is the propaganda that the Pentagon has put out there. Like the few, the proud, (the idiots), high powered stuff for an impressive kid to wade through, especially if a father, mother, sister, brother and family member has survived, or, God forbid, has been killed in action.



I will shed a tear for those men and women that haven’t returned from the battlefields of the Middle East, but I also don’t want one more American to shed one single bead of blood in some God-forsaken sand box. I really don’t care why they say we need to be there.


It’s way past the time to believe the anorexic tail that both politicians and the Pentagon talk about with regards to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Iran, North Korea, or any of the half dozen other war potential areas of the world that we want to spread our brand  of justice, political thinking or democratic lifestyle.



The Pentagon…..I’m almost at a loss for words, first, the Pentagon is the War Department of the United States, I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it now…..the Pentagon is the United States War Department and we’d better come to grips with that fact.




The Pentagon has zero interest in stopping waging war, it’s not in their best interest, and they’re the only organization in the United States that would suffer with an end to hostilities in the world. Not one military industry would fold up and blow away, they would simple diversify back into whatever they manufactured before war was declared!


I will not shed a tear if wars stop, if people come to understand that we are doing nothing more than to feed giant corporations an unending supply of monetary gain as more wars are declared. I will not shed a tear if the Pentagon falls on hard times if there aren’t any wars to fight.



How snowed does the Pentagon really think that they can shovel are way…..or maybe it’s not snow that there shoveling, but s---! Since 2005 the Pentagon has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on what they call, Military Information Support Operations, (MISO). Websites, leaflets and broadcasts intended to change foreigner’s attitudes, behaviors, and support of the United States Government.


There are still people (out there), I mean (really out there) who figure that we can alter by some simple advertising by some bozo military generals or worse, some professional advertising agency. The excuse to why the propaganda hasn’t worked very well… far, poor tracking procedures, that Congress doesn’t have a full picture, they Pentagon can’t measure effectively the results of the propaganda, and that the Pentagon and their propaganda lacks goals with regards to where they should put their propaganda.


I can’t help it…..harg, harg, harg, (a laugh from the bottom of my belly) a short laughable view into the secret attitudes of our defense department. Thanks boys, but I just didn’t need the laugh… costs way too much.


In the old days, when I was young, water was wet, the sun was bright, and winters were cold, now everything is TOPSY TURVY!



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