York Times, The Atlantic, Washington Post)
Belfast Telegraph, Voice of Russia)
Huff Post, Frazer Chronicle)
take much notice to the death by
interrogation case involving law enforcement interview of Ibragim
Todashev and his possible link to brothers Tamerlan, and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the
reputed Boston Marathon bombers. I thought I’d wait a bit, and let the smoke
and bull crap be cleared from the air before I took a closer look at the
circumstances surrounding the bombing that caused the death of 3 and the
injuries to 264 people.
no mistake about the bombing and the aftermath, the incident was a terrorist
act, maybe domestic, but non-the-less, a terrorist act. The aftermath…..well
the aftermath was pretty much predictable, cops, local, and state falling all
over one-another. To compound an escalating situation, the F.B.I. poked their
noses into the fray, further convoluting an already sticky situation.
right, up front, I completely understand that law enforcement had absolutely no
other choice then to jump feet first into launching an investigation with whatever
evidence there was, and to depose witnesses as quickly as possible.
I think everything that law authorities did was proper and the prescribed way
to conduct the post investigation of such an incident. That said, I find the interview with a possible third conspirator,
Ibragim Todashev, to be highly questionable. Mixed martial arts, sabers or long
knives, tipped over tables…..and no tape recorder, phone video, or interview notes…..sounds
strangely like a Lee Harvey Oswald interview back in 1963…..did the interviewers have any links to
the Dallas Police Department?
brothers were born in Russia, Tamerlan in Kalmyk, ASSR, (Russia) in 1986, and
Dzhokhar in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan in 1993. Both were Islam, Tamerlan had dropped
out of college, (Bunker-Hill Community College), while Dzhokhar was a college
student at the time of the Marathon bombing, (University of Massachusetts).
Tsarnaev family (the brothers have two sisters) moved to the United States in
April 2002, using a 90 day tourist visa. The elder Dzhokhar, Anzor applied for
asylum, citing fears of deadly persecution due to his ties to Chechnya, and
during the next two years, Anzor Dzhokhar made arrangements for his entire
family to move to the United States, and all became U.S. citizens in 2007.
brother were either outstanding students or athletes, although Tamerlan became
an accomplished boxer, both seemed to be popular, although Tamerlan seemed to
have a quick trigger temper. The elder brother, Tamerlan, aspired to
become a professional heavy weight boxer. In 2009-10 he (Tamerlan) was the New
England Golden Gloves heavy weight champion, winning the Rocky Marciano Trophy.
In May 2009 he fought at the nationals in the 201-pound weight division and
lost a first round decision.
born in 1993 was a student at the time of the Marathon bombing, was taking a
major in marine biology in hopes of becoming a dentist. Described as normal by fellow students and
friends, most of those acquainted with Dzhokhar found it inconceivable that he
could be one of the two bombers at first, calling it “completely out of
brothers are also accused of murdering an MIT Police Officer on April 18th,
carjacking an SUV and robbing the owner. In addition there are allegations of
being involved in a 2011 triple homicide on September 11, 2011 in Waltham,
say the least the Tsarnaev brothers had a somewhat checkered background,
but was there evidence of impending doom, and a terrorist act…..I guess only
time will tell, but if law enforcement authority continues on eliminating
witnesses or suspects, nobody will be around to depose, and attempt to get
answers to some really weighty questions.
caused FBI agents and law enforcement officials to shoot and kill an unarmed
man in Orlando, Florida on May 22, 2013? Why did law enforcement seem to
release anonymous conflicting
explanations so dubious all the information that was released needs to be
questioned all on their own.
I know what some of you are going to say, “if he was involved, (Ibragim
Todashev) he got what he deserved,” well that’s not quite the way a democracy and
a land that is governed by laws
is supposed to operate, no matter the alleged crime.
Todashev, a 27 year old Chechen was born in Russia in 1986, came to the United
States on a student visa, was granted asylum, and in February 2013 was granted
legal permanent residence. It is rumored that Todashev was about to sign a
confession when he suddenly flipped
out, threw a table at law enforcement, and came at them with a sword, or
a knife…..some kind of fire-arm, or is this yet another example of law
enforcement out of control.
to the information that I’ve gleaned
from already way too much about this incident, Todashev was being questioned at
his apartment when he became agitated and attacked at least three law enforcement
people that were questioning him.
can we take this by the numbers,
a possible accomplice to a terrorist bombing…..AND A TRIPLE HOMICIDE, and where does the interview take place, the
possible perpetrators apartment…..and only
by three, count um, three law enforcement people.
And finally, last, but certainly not least, the questioning, sorry “I mean” interview, took place in the
early morning hours, like 1 or 2:00 A.M.
knife, or a gun, or some Oriental sward, forget about it, according to the FBI,
Todashev was unarmed at the time of the interview.
Plus according to a friend of Todashev, he, Todashev had a serious knee injury
and was hobbling around just to get from his bedroom to the bathroom.
somehow Todashev first tipped over a table, catching law enforcement unawares,
then threw a chair before the cops opened fire and according to Todashev’s
father, shot his son 7 times, with the fatal shot being fired by an FBI agent
who finished off the Chechen American citizen since February of 2013 with a
bullet to the head.
see, Osama bin Laden dead, no interview,,
several drone strikes, at least one killing an American citizen…..no interview, and the latest
terrorist suspect not interviewed,
do I detect a pattern here is America practicing what might be called expedient justice? I advise everybody to take great care with the
police and law enforcement attitudes and practices of the 21st
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