Today, Associated Press,, Ezra Klein & Evan Soltas
News Service, Frazer Chronicle)
got no patience for it, I will not tolerate it”, President Barak Obama, for a
minute there I thought he might of have been talking about seasoning on his
salad, or how his stake was grilled, but oh no it was about the Great IRS scandal, which piggy
backed on the Benghazi incident on September 11, 2012.
that’s not all, the Justice Department, (without notice) seized phone records
for reporters and editors at the Associated Press. There was no explanation as
to why the fed needed the records except to say that “they needed the records
for an unspecified criminal matter.” Man that covers a multitude of questions
that may be asked.
attitude comes directly from the president…..not Obama, but George W. Bush and
his henchmen during the 2000’s. Freedom of Information, phone records in the
trillions, and secret meetings held by many in the Bush Whitehouse had the
press in frenzy, but they had nowhere to go to get the relief of true statements
from Capitol Hill.
reigns on a grand scale today not only at the federal level, but way back here
at home not only in Green Bay, Wisconsin, but in Milwaukee, Indianapolis,
Indiana, Columbus, Ohio, Clare, Michigan and Washington Court House, Virginia.
It seems as if politicians all over the country have taken their cue from those
politicians in Washington.
authority seems to trample individual rights, there is a huge groundswell of
anger as well as frustration. Mostly American citizens simply want to be left
alone to pursue their earthly pleasures with regards to a decent living wage,
to have week-ends free to tool around their favorite fishing holes, frequent
their tavern, and put a little money in the bank.
fact people hire…..through elections, to do the business of government and to
manage the taxes that we pay, locally, at the state level as well as at the
federal level. We vote for these people every so often as the election cycle
dictates…..and we hope that our wishes and their common sense will rule
the decisions that they make.
now we have the IRS, Libya, and an impending media phone records scandal that
will take up almost all of the time to investigate, analyze, point a boney
finger at, and…..nothing will get done, nobody will be brought to justice, and
what initially was the aim of the scandals will be achieved…..a political black
or Republican, it doesn’t make any difference, Tea Party, Green Party, the Libertarian,
or the other fringe political parties, you can put them all in a hat, and the
one you pull out will resemble and sound just like any of the others.
a power is achieved by an administration, that power, whether right or wrong, necessary
for a specific reason or moral’ it becomes like a dog with the preverbal bone,
one tough morsel to get away. And by far the worst part of this equation is the
fact that whatever power issues an administration gets, it’s passed on to the
next administration, no matter the political persuasion.
once again face scandal on several fronts… mentioned 3 to be exact, and
although not a scandal, a 4th issue is just around the corner… not
gay marriage, (it’s being saved for later). The 4th issue that I’m
talking about is the abortion debate that never ever goes away.
can tell you right now where I stand on abortion, the issue and decision to my
way of thinking is profoundly personal and actually is nobody’s business but
those directly involved…..sadly the unborn fetus has no voice in the matter.
women’s decision regarding her body is…..just that, her’s, and no bleeding
heart person or group, again in my opinion, has any moral or legal ground to
make a decision in the process. I do not agree with abortion, I think that the
act is barbaric, wrong, and yes, sinful. However those people involved with the
act will be burdened with the fact that they took a human life for the rest of theirs!
question of aborting a human entity will go on probably for all time, but my opinion will
never change, as will those on both sides of the aisle, probably as it should.
If nothing else, the abortion debate will keep the procedure out of the back
alleys, and either in hospitals or clinics were health issues can be monitored.
Internal Revenue Service, (IRS) has
targeted individuals, groups and legal organizations in the United States for
years. They are the money cops, they
have never seen a tax return that they didn’t want to audit, they just don’t have
the time, the personnel or the money…..thank God.
got audited twice during my adult life, and both times a was in a tizzy, and
was sweating bullets, not because I filed an illegal tax return, but because I
heard the horror stories regarding shut down business, confiscated bank
accounts, and people being thrown in jail. Hell, I was in my twenties before I
learned that there was no debtors prison…..that’s right, I thought if you didn’t
pay your bills, the authorities put your butt in the slam until you made payment arrangements.
two times I got audited, one for business and the other personal, I was found
to owe money, $300 in the business one, and something like $50 for my personal one.
The amount really didn’t matter, I felt that I was treated like a criminal, and
just knew that I was going to
have to pay something. I suppose that it didn’t matter with the business one
pretty much because I asked the lady auditor when her baby was due…..and she
said she “wasn’t pregnant.” She clipped me $300, and the audit took two or
three days.
IRS targeted the Tea Party, and as
many as 300 other organizations, questioning their tax exempt status, and after
all is said and done, the I’s are dotted, and the T’s crossed, if they did
target any group, everybody in on the questioning process should get canned,
simple, end of the story…..the scandal simply goes away, hopefully to never
happen again.
it must be pointed out the George W. Bush and his administration, during the
2004 presidential campaign pulled some of the same shenanigans that obviously
the IRS did during the 2012
election. Deplorable, absolutely, should heads roll, you-betcha, and sooner than
Obama and his administration is trying to distance itself from whatever scandal
there might be regarding the Internal Revenue Service…..and for a good reason,
most people don’t like the IRS and
what they do for a living, and how an investigation means nothing but trouble
for a citizen. Absolutely nobody looks forward to an audit, or April 15th,
even though we all understand where tax dollars are supposed to go, nobody looks forward to paying their fair share.
the IRS to further a political
agenda helped end President Richard Millhouse Nixon’s second term in office,
and has sullied the repetition of several other chief executives. Historians have
pointed to Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Congressman Lyndon Johnson, JFK,
and several other noteworthy individuals that used their authority to bully boy government agencies to
do their bidding.
Bush administration seemed to take intimidation several levels up,
working warrantless wiretaps, refusal to share Information even after the
documents were granted FOIA, (Freedom of Information Act), accessibility by
church were targeted in Pasadena, California, All Saints Episcopal, when a war
sermon was delivered from the dais, causing an IRS threat to the Episcopalian church’s tax exempt status. Although
the church was found to have violated tax exempt status…..nothing was ever
course the entire episode spiraled downward into a he said, she said
kind of a silly back and forth affair. In 2004 the IRS went after the NAACP, auditing their books after its chairman criticized
President Bush for not addressing his group since Herbert Hoover.
could go on with these egregious partisanship examples, but you don’t have the
time to read them, I’m already fast approaching my word limit that has been
evoked by my trusty proof reader. Whether seizing phone records, siccing the IRS on people or organizations, or
telling people about child birthing practices, it all needs to stop; it’s not
fair, not good for government, and certainly not good for the country.
an intrusion into tax exempt status, how your bills are paid, who you talk to,
or what web-sites you might access, it doesn’t matter, without the proper
documentation and legal action to obtain the rights to eavesdrop, obtain phone
records and use government departments in a smear campaign… can’t be tolerated,
and must be dealt with in a vigorous manner whenever discovered…..Democrat,
Republican or whoever.
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