Monday, February 6, 2012



As we settle in and except a winter without winter, meaning a break from heating bills, a "shot across our collective vehicle hoods" was fired in today's edition of the U.S.A. Today titled "Chaotic Spring" Predicted for Gas, sub-titled "Average Prices Likely To Hit $4.05.”

On June 20th 2011, I wrote a blog about "An Artificial Tail-Pipe Job" which was inspired by an article in Mother Jones. Punsters again are using the same tired illustrations and scripts to explain why gas prices at the pump will go up within just a few weeks in the United States.....I could care less what the prices are in any other country except the U.S. I mentioned as much in my June blog.

I put gas in my trusty Chevy truck the other day and the price was $3.39 a gallon, up from $3.24 in the middle of January. The price was a .15 cent nudge, not enough to get me thinking about another violation of my person, yet an unwanted pat on my wallet, "whoever wants a pat there?" However it was a warning sign to me.....I keep track of these things.

Now I read that a "chaotic spring" is in our future, events that will alter our gasoline prices by more than 60 cents. Wow these guys that make these predictions are good, I mean "really good," take for instance the first line of the U.S.A. article, "Get ready for another round of pain at the pump, $4 (or higher) gasoline." It just as easily could have been written, "Get ready for another round of pain at the (rump)."

These people that are making these predictions are basing their thinking on..........I don't know. Refiners switching from winter to summer mixes can add as much as .15 cents, which happens every spring, no big surprise.

These people, the ones who get paid by the oil industry are basing much of their thinking and predicting the anticipation of all sorts of things. Supply and demand, domestic crude oil prices, consumption, which is at its lowest in the U.S. since 2001. Now wait just a "tail-piping minute," if consumption is down, shouldn't prices level off?

Did you ever wonder why gasoline prices, when they peak, do so at an accelerated rate, but when they fall, they do so at a slower then molasses in January pace in Upper Michigan, and they never go to or below the price several months earlier.

Procrastinators talk about the "limits that consumers will pay for gasoline, to that I say "balderdash," people, as long as they have the money in their wallets will pay whatever the listed price is, America is a consumer driven nation, petroleum companies and countries have just figured better ways to control the flow of their product.

Rest assured that gas at the pump will go up, and that the price will continue to "kick our collective rumps." People bet on everything today, "I'm betting that gasoline prices will.....continue to go up until after the oil companies have made enough money.

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