Saturday, February 25, 2012


WILL THE U.S. SURVIVE? (Aljazeera/ Chronicle)

Up and at um early, like usual and this morning, like many mornings I find myself overwhelmed first by the posted on-line news and then individual articles.....and now even e-mails. E-mails don't usually get to me, I take them at face value and usually they, "the e-mails" are a hodge podge conglomeration of dis-jointed random thoughts that make casual points of least to me.

But the E-mail I got the other day from although a bunch of issues  had some really strong points for people to think about, they were provocative. As more and more people become aware about their lives, about the world that they live in, and who really is in charge, a strange smell begins to omit, it's has the sound of a whirring engine, the smell, paint burning off new parts.....a good smell, a great sound. People are becoming aware.

The e-mail is more personal, more about our country, more about what we can do, more about actions that we can take. The Aljazeera article is about fact, about truth, about finite as opposed to perpetuity, a study in terminology. Both the e-mail and the Aljazeera article have things in common, but both on different levels, however the tie between the two is undeniable, they are a study in greed and shortsightedness.

The e-mail sites twisting of facts on both sides of our political aisle, of using numbers to explain a particular point of view and how we need to change those numbers to survive. It's a study in class distinction, of upper class, middle class.....and I suppose of no class. The folks who are getting the free stuff, not liking the folks who pay for the free stuff, because the folks who pay for the free stuff can no longer pay for their own  stuff.

Of course the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and some of the folks getting the free stuff want even more free stuff, on top of the free stuff that they are already getting. The word gets on the streets, the people who are paying for the free stuff want to stop, they can't afford it, so the people getting the free stuff call the people paying for the free stuff mean, prejudiced and racist

There are, in the United States, people getting free stuff that believe that they are entitled to free stuff, not alot, but some. Most of the people getting the free stuff would rather work, rather earn their stuff, actually so that they could help to pay for free stuff for other people. No matter how long free stuff  has been handed out, most people want to give, want to help, it is the true value of mankind.....helping.

The e-mail even gave ways to correct what the sender felt was wrong with America:
Obama, gone
Borders, closed
Language, English only
Culture, Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Drug Free, mandatory drug screening before welfare
No freebies to, non-citizens

Surprisingly I agree with every "fix" except the first one listed, although I am far from happy with what President Obama has done in his first term in office, I do not feel that the Republican party is taking the political process here in America serious, unless you call Willard Romney, or Rick "Tricky" Santorum, or "Neutered" Gingrich, or Ron "isolate me" Paul serious candidates. If you do, will then I guess your life is all "hunky-dory."

Look I realize that my grammar isn't the best and that my spelling and punctuation isn't the best, but that's what makes me sooooo unique. It's kind of like the chick(s) who really, really likes the cuddly type, I'm all cuddly.....all the time.

Question, what do Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela have in common, each produces petroleum products, each is a member of OPEC, and each tells fibs.

Each of these OPEC countries have vastly overstated their oil reserves, each approaches this information like it is the most secret part of their country.....which it is. This secret, unlike other state's secrets aren't really a secret at all. Rather if common sense people use their heads, "you know, that lump between the shoulders, about 3 feet from your ass," everybody knows that oil can't be perpetual, there has to be an end.

Back in 1947, after the dust had settled from the world war, after the United States had set iron ore production records 6 straight years, after several iron mines in Upper Michigan had extracted in excess of a million ton of ore in a year, the industry suddenly realized that the reserves of iron ore were finite and would run out.

They needed what amounted to a governmental bail-out, breaks to search for new ways to process existing ores, existing types of iron ore, new processes to extract iron ore from the host rock formations and new ways to mine the ore in a more reasonable financial manner, and the fed caved in and paid.

Oil industrial processes are different then iron ore extractions, yet surprisingly the same, the same because both are "extracted" from the ground. Anything that is manufactured by the earth, the changing of the seasons, and the slow processes therein, takes hundreds of millions of years and in that aspect, oil  does have perpetuity, if you can wait long enough.

OPEC controls about 81% of the worlds oil supply, about 1193 billion barrels of the stuff, while the rest of the world has about a 274 billion barrel. I would say, and I'm just "spit balling here," that percentage split has altered many a decision over the past several decades. Kind of like "pucker up butter-cup, and plant one big kiss right here."

The world is running out of it's petroleum supply, are you surprised, or are you, like me, "not thinking about the problem until it's right at the door-step." I Guess we are going to have to wake up and quite smelling the gas and diesel fumes, and start thinking about the silent non-sound of electric or even solar cars.

Will the U.S. survive.....maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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