Wednesday, April 4, 2012


THE JANE MCLEAN EFFECT! (Aljazeera/Frazer Chronicle)

Bet you never thought my baby sister's name and Aljazeera would appear in the same sentence, I mean both being so different, yet surprisingly quite the same. Janie (my sister) keeps sending me what I consider "radical conservative e-mails," and Aljazeera.....the voice of the Islamic world, "you've got to be kidding".....right, "Uh, huh."

The latest e-mail from one of my sister's twisted friends questions the Obama administration about everything that seems to be going wrong today in Washington. Really I'm shocked the damn e-mail didn't blame Obama for my stopped up toilet. By the way, I blame my wife and daughter for that stoppage.

Galvanized is what Janie's e-mail was, "galvanized, to stimulate somebody to act, to coat metal with zinc, to stimulate body electrically." Synonyms, to spur, rouse, stimulate, electrify, fire up, stir up, animate or incite. I'm not sure she realizes exactly what her e-mails are intended to do, but it's what their intent is. Of course, I can remember when my baby sister had a rough time choosing whether to wear a soiled pair of underwear, or clean ones, life is full of little secrets.

In the e-mail, it is stated that those on Medicare or those planning on joining the governmental program soon will see their monthly premiums rise from $96.40 to $104.20 in 2012 to $120.20 in 2013, to $247.00 in 1914.

The e-mail proclaims that these price changes are incorporated provisions in the Obama-care legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse the 2012 re-election campaign. "Remember this in November 2012 and vote," the e-mail continues.

President Obama also threatened to not pay social security retirees, military retirees, social security disability and federal retirees their benefits if the debt ceiling wasn't raised. However he, "Obama" did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens, or take away frivolous benefits like internet access to violent inmates, or fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he has hired.

Obama also did not stop his wife's frivolous "gallivanting around," and the entire 1st family did take a 17 day Hawaii vacation over Christmas. No Senators or Representatives pay, or any of the Obama staff was threatened to have checks delayed. No welfare recipient funds were held up, food stamps still flowed freely and foreign aid continued.

I only have one question for this e-mailer, "wasn't some of the same stuff said during the Bush presidency." How did we survive good ole G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney.....oh wait, the jury is still out on that one, Afghanistan is still going on.

"A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves," Hmm, interesting. The mis-deeds of past presidents and their administrations also needs to be examined, because even though I agree with this guy's ideas about closed borders, the English language being the countries first language, drug tests for welfare recipients and no federal aid to non-citizens, much of what troubles the nation at the present time can be directly linked to past president(s).

I'll make one guess about pep@charterm "he's a stinking conservative, a screaming conservative," and I have little time for people like that. I'm for the country, the land that I love; I'm for a "melding" of ideas, of taking the best for my country and my country-men. I voted yesterday, for several Republicans.....because I thought that they were the best for the position, because of their ideas.

Wake up "speed racer" and smell what you are pitching, "and it ain't burning rubber."


"Don't take away my health care, cause if ya do, I think that I'll die." That is the melodic refrain being sung today all across America in varying degrees, depending on what shape your health care plan is in.

Everybody needs health care.....and believe-you-me, as you get older, you will need it more and more. I take 12 pills a day, one to get up, one to stay awake, one to get through the day, one to keep my sugar in check, my for my blood pressure, one for my good L.D.L. one for my bad L.D.L. one to stop itching, a pill to get sleepy and sleep, and oh yes, a special pill whenever I'm feeling frisky and want to play "cowboy."

Health care is not a proclaimed constitutional right, like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, nope, you won't find "health care" anywhere in the constitution, or the bill of rights, or any amendments to the constitution. Of course when the constitution was written, bear grease, a hole drilled in the side of the head to relieve headache pain, mud poultices and sucking the blood out of a snake bite were excepted practices for what "ailed you."

Today we are a bit more sophisticated in how we treat illnesses, pain and injuries; we have highly educated doctors to treat a screaming case of the sniffles, or a hang nail. And although treatment is costly, more then 3/4th of American citizens have access to health care.

But I wonder, "And I'm just spit-balling here," why is it that 40 million citizens don't have health care and that another 60 or so million are under insured. Is 100 million American citizens either with no health coverage or under insured a choice that they have made to declare.....what? That they are really healthy, that they will never contract an illness, that they can't get injured, or do they believe that they are like the Iron Man figure, wearing a suite of indestructible including a shirt, a jacket, pants, sox and shoes that repel everything.

I understand how young people have this thing about being untouchable, the "it's not gonna get me" attitude, or the "can't touch me, I'm too pretty and quick" attitude. But come on, when you old, hell you stumble over the expansion joint in a city side walk. Everybody needs health and medical coverage.

And.....for our Supreme Court to get involved with the decision to decide whether the coverage should have legal ramification is, well, bull-crap. Is health care costly, absolutely, does everybody need coverage, of course, can everybody afford reasonable coverage, no. Should the federal government step in, allocate money, devise a plan and hire an long as we fight wars on foreign soil, as long as we give foreign aid, "you bet-cha."

What are we, as a people, going to do when our next door neighbor, "Fred," falls out of a tree that he was trimming and breaks both legs. Run over, grab some brush, fashion out some splints, tie um off with some rope and hope for the best, or are we going to take him to the emergency room for some expert treatment.

Unless you really, really don't like Fred, you are going to do the right thing, the competent thing, the humane thing, you’re going to load the silly "sum-bitch" in your car and take him to the nearest hospital for repairs.

Notice that at no time did I mention the "I" word, "insurance," health coverage never crossed my mind when it came to the health of my friend and next door neighbor. Universal health care, state or federally run health coverage needs to be the same, and everybody pays for it, case closed, problem solved.

I don't care if this type of insurance costs a "gazillion space bucks," it's worth it, it's necessary and it's the right thing to do. For these silly zealots to involve the United States Supreme Court is setting the country up for some really dire possibilities. Oh you don't think so, "you silly ninnies," apparently you forgot Bush v. Gore and what a horrible decision that was, (whether you’re a Republican or Democrat) it meant that the highest court in the land, 9 people could almost dictate what happens for the next 4 years in America.

Of course politicking happens in the country’s highest court, but we need to strive to keep it at a bare minimum, for our own sakes. We need to be ever vigilant, to monitor what happens on Capitol Hill and to remember that we are truly "our brothers’ keeper."

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