Tuesday, April 17, 2012


(Aljazeera/Federal News Radio.Com/Frazer Chronicle)

(USA TODAY/Frazer Chronicle)

First the sex thing, labor issues, under pay and not being appreciated can be kinda the same, but "as I write this blog," I can highlight any subject that I desire, and as everybody who knows me, "these days," sex is a fun subject for me to talk about.

I don't get it, the military has always had sex scandals.....don't you have to have at least 1 scandal before you can climb up the ladder in any branch of the military, before you can even be considered for "rank" advancement.

Military personnel have been playing "under the table" games for as long as men have been "going off to war." You don't really expect me to believe that Army General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff was shocked by the incident in Colombia, do you?

He looks like a regular guy, "if a general of anything can be called regular guy," has kids and a pretty darn good looking wife, if you like the pouting lips, supple looking breasts, big brown eyes and a butt kicking body.

Leon Panetta, U.S. Secretary of Defense, who also has a cool to warm looking wife of his own, Sylvia Marie Varni Panetta has been a "mover and shaker" in her own right, heading several different help organizations, but has remained in the background of her husband’s career.

These 2 men are heading up the investigation into what I am calling "patty cake, patty cake bakers man-----gate." Whatever the number of U.S. Secret Service men are involved, the incident reminds me of the old saying, "boys will be boys."

Oh sure I know there was a breach of security, indiscretion, acts of fornication, sex for pay and a "nasty boy attitude" during the final hours in the lead-up to President Obama's arrival in Colombia, but geez, nobody got shot, received broken bones, or had to be taken to the hospital.

I guess I would ask several questions of the men involved and the answers would be needed to answered responsibly and honestly, if not the witness would simply be taken out behind the building and shot.

My questions to these men, "and I'm assuming the participants were all men," are quite simple and straight forward:
1. Were the women good looking, American citizens do not want its military personnel going around with skanks?

2. How was the sex paid for, I mean, cash, credit card, "American Express of course," or was it, "sex" charged to some sort of an account were I might have to shoulder some of the financial load?

3. Were the women STD clean and for that matter were the Secret Service members; did they have all their shots up to date?

4. And last, but probably most important.....are there any videos.....and can I get a copy?

Look, this kind of crap has been going on for generations, since the beginning of time, since some wise-butt figured that military forces were necessary to protect. What a shock, when a bunch of young men are left to their own devices and the sun goes down, and the girls come out, crap happens.

In the case of the patty cake, patty cake that went on in Cartegena, the fools involved forgot that this is 2012, not 1980, or 1990, or even 2000. This is the day and age of wall to wall media coverage, the day of the big story, a time when 24 hours needs to be filled with news, weather and sports.

There aren't any hidden agenda's here, no politician messages and really nobody to point a finger at, the act was natural and has been going on since Adam and Eve.....remember "forbidden fruit?" These 11 or however many guys decided to go out and get laid, big whoopee wow, I sure as hell hope it felt good, because you guys just lost whatever career you might have had with the U.S. Secret Service.

That's the punishment, that's the hoopla, the beginning and the end of the issue, these guys did something incredibly stupid and now will pay the ultimate price.....losing their "plum" jobs, relegated to a life of having to explain exactly how they lost their secret agent badge.

(USA TODAY/Frazer Chronicle)
Did ya ever wonder how your employer feels about you, whether he respects you, whether he cares about your health and the condition of your family. Well let me clue you in, he cares about "your" health, if you’re sick, or unhealthy, you can't work and produce whatever product you are working for.

Since the early 2000's my wife, who works for the city of Green Bay, has seen her job description and work load go up expediently. The attack on city, county, state and federal employees didn't just start with the recession back in 2008, the apparatuses to retard worker rights and worker pay begin even before George W. Bush took office in 2001.

Wage and hour lawsuits have escalated since 2010, especially since 2011, when employers have gotten their employees right by the little pubic hairs. It wouldn't be so bad if the only hairs that were being grabbed were the workers right in front of the bosses, but oh no.....these jerks either follow a worker home, or in some cases, hitch a ride. When they get to your home, they line up every member of your family and pull THEIR short hairs.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, "supervisors, bosses, owners, boards of directors’ secretaries and probably even the custodial guy can't be trusted." If these people can get more production with less pay and less benefits, it's what they are going to do.....every time.

There like the Secret Service guys in Colombia, they can't resist, they need a touch, need a feel of the velvet, need a whiff of the good life. It's the mission of a business to produce as much product with as little overhead as possible, always has been and always will.

Any of you guys out there that don't understand that basic rule of business are swimming up-stream, you'll never win, never get even with the game. And make no mistake.....it is a game, the only problem; bosses and owners want to change the rules in the middle of the game.

Employment in the United States has always been an ebb and flow of contact sport, you win a few and you lose a few. But today, there are people out there who not only want to change the rules, they want to gut every collective right that people have been able to get enacted over the past 75 years.

Politicians have always played a prominent role in governmental activity between labor and management. Government has called out the Pinkerton's, the National Guard and the regular army to quell disputes between the two bodies. In every instance, these detectives, or guardsmen, or soldiers stood with business against the working man.

We have a problem here folks, many people trust their employer, they for some reason feel all "warm and fuzzy" when supervisors or bosses give a pat on the back, or give a glowing report. For me, it was always, "shut up and give me a raise."

You can't trust your supervisor, or boss, or owner, they have total control over you, what you think, say and do, it's how they like it, and it's what they work to achieve. As submissive employee is a good employee.....for the company.

I have worked many menial jobs during my lifetime and one thing that I noticed was that either the supervisor, or the boss, or the owner could have cared less about my input, or the input of any of my fellow employees.

One job I had several years ago was taking care of the grounds at a major apartment complex in Green Bay, Wisconsin. There were over 500 living units in this complex, contained in 15 different buildings. During the peak time of winter snow removal we would hire temporary employees to help clean snow. I'll never forget the owner’s son, and what he said about these (temps) "Work the hell out of them, if you can't get enough out of them get rid of them and hire another one.....they are cheap."

I'm retired, for me the games over, I don't want to play anyways, however for you young ones out there still in the game, I have this to say, "Never trust."

Education, education, education.....make sure you get one, an education can be your free pass out of the war. If you and your services are in demand, you can write ticket, thumb your nose and make your own way in life.

For those of you with no education, or those too stupid to get an education.....well, do the best you can, life for you will always be a struggle.....I know, my life has been a struggle.

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