Wednesday, August 21, 2013



(Huffington Post, Matt Sledgemsledge)

(Julie Tate, Ernesto Londono)

(Frazer Chronicle)


Impressionable manipulative and naïve, its how military service units throughout the world operate, if there wasn’t a huge supply of young, strong and mostly frivolous men, it would be hard for any military in the world to operate. War might become a thing of the past, and the secrets that protect the vile atrocities that man metes out to his fellow man would miraculously end. Now that truly would be a crime.


Bradley Manning met every criteria for military induction, smart as a whip, Manning excelled science and computers. By the time he was 10, according to his father, he created his first website. He taught himself how to use PowerPoint and won the grand prize three years running at the local science fair, and in the 6th grade took top prize at a state-wide quiz bowl.


In 2001 Bradley Manning and his mother, who was in ill health, moved from California to Haverfordwest, Wales. Manning’s mother, Susan Fox Manning was originally from that country, and in fact met the elder Manning, Brian, at Cawdor Barracks where Manning was assigned. The couple entered into blissful matrimony in 1976, and the union produced a daughter in 1977, and then Bradley in 1987.


All indications with regards to Bradley Manning paint a portrait of a smallish, bullied adolescent who buried himself in books, science and computers. A loner possibly by design to keep away from the daily toughs, he fit precisely the type that the military was looking for.


However his early time in the military…..United States Army, was filled with bullying incidents and even before the beginning of basic training was moved to a special barracks for malcontents and was considered for discharge.


The decision for discharge was revoked and Manning was returned to regular billeting, began basic training and graduated in April of 2008. Manning was assigned to Fort Huachuca, Arizona where he trained as an intelligence analyst, received a TS/SCI security clearance, (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmental Information) all before the age of 22.



In August of 2008 Manning was assigned to Fort Drum in Jefferson County, New York, where he joined the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division and trained for deployment to Iraq. It was during this time that Manning met Tyler Watkins, a Brandeis University student about 300 miles from Fort Drum. Watkins introduced Manning to his network of friends and the university’s hacker’s community.


I’d like to take a minute here and pause…..because of the innuendos regarding Manning’s sexual orientation, which I feel has nothing to do with whatever motivations Manning had for leaking classified materials. (Why the media, word of mouth and leaked information seem to always be present in some of these incidents clouds the real issue… isn’t necessary, and actually insults my intelligence.) Being gay does not affect job performance.


Deployed to Iraq in the fall of 2009, Manning in rapid succession was first considered unfit for security clearance in the highly sensitive intelligence area, then was approved, and almost immediately started treatment for depression and his inability to come out of the closet regarding his sexual orientation.



Also in the fall of ‘09 Manning was promoted from Private First Class to Specialist, and it was around this time that Manning made his first contact with WikiLeaks, and shortly thereafter, November 25, Wiki posted 570,000 pager messages from the 9/11 attacks.


All told, between the source, (Manning,) and Julian Assange, (WikiLeaks,) millions of classified documents were leaked to all sorts of news agencies. Did this effort of freeing-up sensitive information expose military personnel and government hoy-paloy, I don’t know, nor does Manning or Assange, what probably happened was that sensitive material was made public that embarrassed some people and made others look like big fat horse’s asses!



Like in any military operation, there are things, modes of operation, and an almost cannibalistic mentality that’s probably necessary to get the job done. It’s one of the reasons that man should never go to war, it’s really scary how quickly we as people can revert to our barbaric past…..nobody likes to talk about it or see it on video.


Here are some of the documents and revelations that Bradley Manning released to the world from the small, sensitive, compartmented information facility in Iraq were he worked as an intelligence analyst for just over a year, (2009-2010.)

1. Collateral murder helicopter video

2. Reykjavik-13 cables

3. Iraq War logs

4. Afghanistan war logs

5. Detention, abuse and torture at Gitmo

6. U.S. complicity with repressive Arab regimes


Of course Manning disclosed through his leakage to WikiLeaks much information, stuff I don’t know about and stuff that I’m sure didn’t come out at the Manning trial. What we are sure of is that Bradley Manning, the 5’-3” wimp will spend the better part of his adult life as a convict, behind bars at some military institution…..possibly in solitary confinement for his own protection.



Bradley Manning, an outed homosexual will serve tough time, possibly at Leavenworth Prison in Leavenworth, Kansas. Quantico detention center where Manning spent months awaited trial, won’t be anything like the Leavenworth facility. At Quantico he was subject to strip searches, spent months in solitary confinement….and more.


A 14-month investigation found that Manning’s treatment at Quantico, Virginia, location of one of the world’s largest Marine Corp bases, was to say the least suspect. He was harassed, searched at all hours of the day and night, and who knows what else. Military personal are kind of like civilian police departments…..NEVER TO BE CROSSED, that is unless you have a death wish.


Without much exception, military personnel view Bradley Manning as a traitor, scum of the earth, and worse than America’s enemies. For however long Manning serves in whatever facility he finally lands, it will be impossible for him to be placed in the general population. Talk about witness protection, here’s a guy that had little or no clue what he was doing when he released secret information…..he’ll now pay the price.

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