Monday, August 19, 2013



(ESPN, Wallace Mathews, T.J. Quinn)

(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

(USA Today, Frazer Chronicle)


First and foremost I’m a baseball fan; I love the simple essence of the game, its slow prodding way, the (where you hit the ball and run like hell,) and the (it ain’t over till it’s over) attitude. Baseball is an everyman game, tall, short, skinny, fat, fast or slow; everybody can play the game on some level. It’s simply the greatest game ever invented by man.


But now we got these punks of the game, running around, talking to anybody who will listen, saying whatever is necessary to deflect guilt away from their misdeeds…’s disgusting…..and I for one ain’t gonna take it anymore.


I’ve had it up to here with A-Rod, or that Jew-boy Ryan Braun, hell it never occurred to me that Braun might be Jewish, I simply enjoyed is perfect swing, his base-stealing attributes, and his demeanor…..I was a Ryan Braun fan pure and simple.


When I heard that Braun had ingested some sort of performance enhancing drug, (PED) that didn’t even bother me, when he was vindicated, and how he was released from any blame, I figured that he had used something…..but that didn’t bother me. I knew that man had not invented an enhancer of any type that would have given Braun his trademark swing…..that was God given.


I also knew that when the Biogenesis thing surfaced, and that Braun might be involved, for sure I knew that Bud Selig would come down hard on Braun, and smock his crap up. Braun had beaten the drug testing rituals of baseball on a technicality, and the commissioner was not going to let that go. Selig commissioned his henchmen into the field with specific orders to hunt out information, and use it to destroy the creditability of Ryan Braun, any way possible!


And it’s exactly what they, they just didn’t find evidence to prove that Ryan Braun was guilty of the use of PED’s it was so overwhelming that he, (Braun) when confronted simply accepted the suspension that the Commissioner’s office mandated, no argument, no fuss, and no muss.



Come to find out, (according to Braun, and his people) the man who collected the urine sample that tested positive for synthetic testosterone was anti Semitic…..and a Chicago Cub fan to boot. I can understand a prima-donna type denying the validity of the test, hell in the situation Braun was in I’d have tried anything possible to get out from under the testing information…..and I’m not a prima-donna.


To give you an idea of how fickle and gullible sports figures are today, and actually how out of touch most are, Braun contacted other players from other teams, and also told his teammates about why the urine collector falsified the test results. Ryan Braun actually told people that they urine guy was anti Semitic…..and that he was a Cubs fan…..and most believed him.


Dino Laurenzi Jr. an Italian most probably a direct descendent of Mussolini was, according the Braun camp the culprit in the collection phase of the incident. Here’s where at least I need to pause, wondering whether I’m having a brain fart, but isn’t Major League’s Commissioner, Bud Selig of Jewish extraction…..maybe Ryan Braun didn’t know this, or his (camp) simply forgot the fact.


I am not an anti Semite, and to be perfectly honest, as I already stated, didn’t realize that Braun was Jewish. Oh sure I know that Berry Bonds is black, and that Al Kaline is a white guy, but it is an obvious observation, I mean the skin color of Bonds is black, and Kaline’s is white, both were really good ball players, and I also understood that Bonds was a dink to be around, but that’s as far as it went for me, I enjoyed watching both players throughout their careers.


For Ryan Braun or any member of his camp to use the race card, and the anti Semite accusation is completely unforgivable…..and for me, Ryan Braun can kiss my butt. Oh when he comes back from his hiatus, and if he is still playing for the Brewers I’ll watch, and will still marvel at his baseball talent…..but it won’t be the same. And I do not care whether he ever apologizes to the media, the fans, or his teammates!



Another bite-me moment, Alex Rodriguez, (are you honest to goodness real,) how in hell do you think anybody would or could believe you after what has transpired during the course of your drug related history. I swear to God these guys figure that they operate in a different stratosphere, he must figure that fans hang on his every word. It reminds me of the old Indian saying, (You speak with forked tongue.)


It’ll get to the point, especially for Rodriguez because of his age that people are just going to become ill with regards to all the crap that these types of athletes shovel. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, (I have never really cared about any of the PED, or any of the other stuff that is used,) I just like to watch the games.


How they get to where they are in the game matters little to me, I’d rather watch gargantuan home runs than almost anything else in sports. The pitch, the contact, and the flight of the ball into the night sky, is to me, the ultimate. Something that everybody connected with the game in any capacity seems to forget one really simple thing, (NO PED) can help a guys swing, no drug can elevate the eye hand coordination that is necessary to put the bat on the ball, and that is what I enjoy, and marvel at.


Alex Rodriguez makes more money in a year then some small countries, what he does with that money is his and his peoples business. He’s an admitted doper, and after the commissioner’s office gets done with him for his second or third, or fourth transgression, (who’s counting anyways,) whenever his last at bat is this season, savor it young fella, cause it’s probably gonna be your last.


Age is now your enemy, not the PED scandal, or the office of the commissioner, there isn’t a drug that can be taken that will delay an erosion of your abilities. Quick hit all the home runs that you can, whether PED helped or not, by the time you tippy toe back onto a ball diamond, you probably won’t be wearing cleats, it’ll be either tennis shoes, or loafers, and you’ll be attending an old-timers function.



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