Sunday, August 18, 2013



(Huffington Post, New York Times)

(Washington Post, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

(The Hindu, Associated Press, Reuters, Frazer Chronicle)


Controversy in life is a wonderful thing, it keep us on the edge of our seats, heightens not only our day, but for some, the blood pressure. Controversy for some is little more than a part of their daily lives; they relish it, enjoy it, and embrace it, and actually look forward to it.


Controversy for many is little more than spin, an adjustment of the truth, fitting it (truth) into whatever form that they (whoever they are) want it. It’s why in many circles the masses… are referred as a herd, and lead hither and tither almost by our keepers.


I’m really no better or worse than those masses which make up the herd, I just have a bit of a flare for expressing myself on paper, and have experienced zero results from those who take the time to read the platform that I use herein.


Every once in a while I need a reality check…..and that can be almost impossible in today’s world of controversy, corruption, half truths, and bald faced lies. For most of our appointed or elected leaders everything is a photo opportunity, a talking point, or a chance to further their agenda.


Presidents get elected on a particular platform, and once in office forget they ever had one, and the worst part of that platform equation is the fact that any party winner, Republican, Democrat, or Independent has the same memory lapse.


Get on your computer and scan the headlines, it’s all right there to see, the problems, the lies, and the corruption can’t be missed, but even newspaper headlines mislead…..and spin. It all depends on the political flavor that a newspaper prefers (Rush Limbaugh be damned). There is no drive by media as Limbaugh jokingly refers to the American press, most of the American news outlets, and most of their journalists write verbatim, there is little research on the average run of the mill story-line, there’s not the money.


Today, for anybody that is literate, to base an opinion on a single news outlet is silly, frivolous and plain lazy. The United States and the world at large, posses more news that can be assessed than at any time in the history of the world. For the United States to be sited as one of the developed nations of the world with the least informed people is a travesty, and a point that should…..collectively… wake us from our slumber of ignorance.



In England, the population is referred to as subjects, subjects of the Queen…..right now; in the future they’ll be subjects of some king. This is not an attack on the type of government that the British Isles use, simple a colloquial term, (a spin if you will) of a way that I am using to explain my perception of the English people.


I will not be referred to as a subject, no-sir-ee, you could simply bite me; I’ve worked way to long and hard to acquire what little independence that I have. With little exception I do not need my government providing crap for me, I’ll take care of myself…..thank you.




I view myself as a free man, a person with the ability to deal with the day to day stuff in my life. And I sure as hell will work to keep myself appraised of what is going on not only in my immediate personal space, but my city, region, state, country…..and to a pretty big degree, the world.


I’ve learned that you need several sources before you can then comingle the information, use your experience and your intellect to figure out an opinion on a particular event, or issue. In today’s world there is just way to much convoluted info to use only a single source.



I know, I know, it’s funny how news happens in today’s world, there are forces out there that disregard every single rule of journalism, hell I don’t know what the rules are…..and I’ll bet you half of those people who write for newspapers really don’t have a grasp on those rules.


Newspapers aren’t supposed to have an agenda, not supposed to afford an opinion…..they are just suppose to report the news, as Fox News say’s, fair and unbiased. What a load of dribble, I use Fox News as a source and their past leaning towards the right, with a conservative view.


MSNBC not only fell to the left of things, they fell in and are at risk of drowning in it…..just to name two sources of news that in reality, aren’t worth very much when it comes to objective news reporting. In fact I believe that some news sources actually make their own headlines, have henchmen around that go out and make the headlines happen…..but I could be wrong…..after all, I’m a cynic about things like ego, and a bottom line mentality.


I will say this with a modicum of authority, the news is important, being involved with the city, state, and nation that you live in is paramount in the process of solid decision making in your life. I don’t care who J.P. Morgan hires to work in their conglomerate business, friend, daughter, son, mother or father, it’s a private concern…..and their business of money will shake out in the end.


Government jobs, the ones that we as taxpayers, need to support a whole different set of rules, it’s here that we need information that will allow us to voice the right opinion, and when it’s time to exercise our power as citizens, make the right choices, and pull the correct lever.


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