Saturday, July 6, 2013



(Green Bay Press Gazette, USLegal, Why Pro Life)

(Molly Crabapple, James Wilson, Sarah Kliff, Frazer Chronicle)


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker jumped right into the middle of the legality and the conservative opinion on the issue of abortion not only in Wisconsin, but the United States as well. To say that the abortion issue is a bit contentious would be a huge understatement. To say that the issue is felt and argued along party lines would be a misnomer, I know people on both sides of the issue, and some are Republicans while others are Democratic.


The taking of a life… any age is something that 99% of us would be hard pressed to agree with, some with a more progressive or liberal outlook might have misgivings about the issue, but in the long run would be okay with the decision to terminate life.


As long as decisions regarding abortion are arrived at through honest, open discussions with the proper authorities that medically understand the procedures, and other professional voices that are deemed necessary, and there is no input from the A.C.L.U. Planned Parenthood, or any other such groups, I guess I could live with whatever decision comes from their efforts.


An issue that is so private and personal, the question of abortion needs to be settled almost on a one on one basis, and there shouldn’t really be a rule of thumb applied. I don’t know how that could be done, and what practices should be put into place, but clearly, almost without exception, each abortion case if different, and should be treated as such.  


The question of abortion probably shouldn’t be put into the hands of a legislature…..any legislature, passions run way to high in both camps. And of course you run into these foolish politicians who like to use the issue the same way as they treat almost every other issue…..whichever way it best suits their political career.


The person who says that they are against abortion (because it takes a life) really needs to go away, they base their opinion on faulty information…..their own, these are the same kinds of people who don’t see abortion for rape, incest, or for medical reasons. Sadly these people get notice because of the old adage, (the squeaky wheel gets the grease). This type of people should be put in a deep dark hole, and fed and watered the same as a person would care for an ugly mean dog.



The days of coat hangers used to hook the life out of a fetus hopefully are long gone… least in the United States. Back alley medical treatment regarding unwanted babies used to be the norm, I know, I’ve had personal experience…..and it’s disgusting.


A Medical Abortion is preformed through medicine rather than surgery, and can be done only during the first nine weeks of a pregnancy. The pregnant woman takes a pill during her doctor’s visit which blocks the progesterone in her body. The next visit, a second pill is taken which causes the uterus to contract and expel tissue. A third visit to the doctor is to see if the medication has taken effect, and if successful, no further visits are necessary.




Suction Aspiration is the most common method of abortion and is usually used during the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy. The mother is anesthetized, the cervix is dilated, a hollow tube is inserted into the womb, which is connected to a vacuum cleaner. The fetus and surrounding placenta are sucked out of the women and discarded.


D&E, (Dilation and Evacuation can be used on women who have not reached their 18th week mark of pregnancy, and is used most commonly for health reasons, often a miscarriage. Dilation of cervix is necessary so that medical instruments can be inserted into the womb, and the doctor scrapes the lining of the uterus to remove tissue in the uterus.


Induction Abortion is usually a saline solution; it’s where the doctor inserts a long needle into the women’s abdomen, and into the amniotic sac, injecting the solution. This procedure induces labor after the fetus has passed, and can take as long as three hours. The induction abortion can be used up to the 16 week period of a pregnancy.


Without exception none of the above mentioned procedures is easy to deal with…..and I would say the unease would be a side-effect that should accompany any abortion, seven out of ten abortions are of the elective type, meaning that the pregnancy is unplanned and unwanted. The remorse and guilt that would accompany these abortions are actually small prices that a woman should go through; after all they are taking a life!



Actually there are good points to aborting a pregnancy that are usually not in the discussion of aborting a life, and they deal exclusively with society. We have all seen child births to single women, or unstable women, or women who have absolutely no idea where, when, or with who there was conception. In many cases the act of copulation and the resulting pregnancy is a side effect of the act.


People throughout the world, down through the annuals of time have enjoyed, been titillated and thrilled about and by the act of sex, of course…..I can only speak for myself. My wife and I have three kids, a boy and two girls…..actually a man, and two women, and each was an opps…..a mistake, a (sun-of-a-gun) how’d that happen. But both my wife and I wouldn’t trade any of them.


Was anybody ever ready for marriage, was anybody ever ready to become a parent, does anybody know anybody who was ready to take on the responsibility of first, marriage, and then the double whammy of  becoming a parent…..if you do, grab them, sit down and write a HOW-TOO, you’ll be millionaires within six months…..I guarantee it.


The streets are full today of disillusioned, under-educated, ill-mannered, uncaring, and with little or no inclination to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make something of themselves. These kinds of young people will grow to simply exist in society, and as they age, become more and more a burden until they become the ultimate burden…..have to be cared for and then buried…..all on the company dime.


And many of these young people today come from births that were unwanted, where a little sex education would have done a world of good for the women, and her baby. The young men in these situations…..well they simply disappear into the night, they actually are predators, and they’ll stalk another victim. It’s a real reason that women and men are a separate species, a man thinks with that little head, and a women…..well I’m not sure, but I know most women have a maternal instinct that men can’t understand…..but take advantage of.


So there are times when an abortion is almost a God-send, and in fact there has to be a power out there that understands these complex issues much better than we do. Some people aren’t ready to be parents, and some people will never be ready.


Having a baby is one hell of a responsibility issue that few of us are really good at….I wasn’t, and my kids suffer for my shortcomings today. I’m better today, but I fear it’s too late, but I try and help whenever I can, I owe them that.



Can you say Roe V. Wade, and Doe V. Bolton, two legal disputes that have changed the law of the land when it comes to activity regarding abortion. Before these two legal actions which struck down every existing law restricting abortion, the law of the land was movement, that’s right when the mother could feel her baby moving, there could be no abortion.


The federal abortion thinking before the 1973 legal action regarding Roe V. Wade, or Doe V. Bolton was somewhat a hodge-podge jumbled up mess of legal decisions and laws that differed from state to state. The 1973 legal opinion made states regard the issue with a new meaning and urgency to enact laws to address the issue.


What it boils down to is really a very simple equation, do you believe in life, and pro-creation, if you do, then you’ll do the right thing. If you don’t want kids, then act accordingly, practice safe sex, use a rubber, and if you don’t have one, (a rubber), throw a bed sheet over a piano, in other words…..don’t!


The question of making a baby isn’t really a big one, more than 99% of us have the gift of making babies, and considerably less of us have the ability to be good, responsible caregivers for what is created. It’s like the old song goes, “it took little Johnny 9 months to arrive, his father was a bustard and his mother was a whore…. little Johnny wouldn’t be here today if the rubber hadn’t torn” It might be a funny little ditty, but it’s true, it’s usually how little thought goes in to what could happen out of casual, yet passionate sex.


In the end it’s what happens after the act of sex…..usually in two or three months that really matters, it’s the ten, twelve or sixteen weeks later that in many cases defines what we are as a people, and dictates how we will be for the rest of our lives…..shouldn’t we be clear headed when we make such a decision that will effect so many people in our lives.


Remember the steamy back-seats of cars are not the board-rooms of business, the back-seats of cars should never be where decisions are made…..ever!



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