Friday, July 19, 2013


(New Century Foundation,


(Center for Healing Hearts & Spirits, Frazer Chronicle)


Trayvon Martin was an African American teen; Robert Ethan Saylor was a 26 year old white man, neither knew one another, came from different backgrounds,  yet both are connected at the hip with regards to how they met their demise.


Trayvon Martin was carrying a back of skittles, and Robert Ethan Saylor a ticket stub to a movie, both innocuous items that hundreds of thousands of people carry around with them every day without any incident, yet for Trayvon Martin and his bag of Skittles, and Robert Ethan Saylor and his ticket stub, their doom was sealed because they chose the Skittles bag and the used ticket stub as their weapons.


Without any doubt when Trayvon Martin began his journey home to his parents’ house, he had no idea that the trip would be his last. When Robert Ethan Saylor, who had watched “Zero Dark Thirty,” and wanted to watch it again was told he’d have to leave…..he had no idea that his protest would be the defining moment of his life, a decision that would ultimately lead to his demise.


Seldom do you see an altercation between a civilian and law enforcement, at least in Green Bay, Wisconsin. But I do know that police officials for whatever reason need to cast an all encompassing ring of control, which at times leads to unnecessary confrontational issues.


For anybody to not understand that Robert Ethan Saylor had emotional, physical, and mental issues would have been a blind person. Saylor had Down syndrome, and exhibited all the classic traits of the malady during the scuffle with the mall security officials (off duty police officers moon-lighting). For not one of these men to not have identified that something was wrong with the 5’-6” 294 pound Saylor in and of itself shows a gross breach of duty… mall cops.


But they weren’t mall cops; they were honest to goodness off duty cops who faced the unruly activity of people every day of their work-week. To not catch the fact that Saylor was different wasn’t all there is inexcusable…..but guess what, the prosecutor didn’t see a problem with how they handled the case. That’s it, case over, the three go free, and count on it, you’ll hear more from these guys in the future.



Trayvon Martin was…..according to George Zimmerman, acting suspicious putting Zimmerman on guard. I’m not gonna waste my time or yours re-hashing the Martin vs. Zimmerman incident, and the just completed trial. And I don’t care what former President Jimmy Carter says, Zimmerman shot to death a teenager with one bullet to the heart.


There are studies that talk about blacks committing crimes of all sorts, 70% of gun related violence is connected to blacks, 85% of blacks are more likely to burgle, blacks are 39% more likely to commit violent crimes against white people than vice versa.


The number of blacks that are incarcerated in the United States today is at an all-time high, 550 per 100,000. Blacks are also 7 times more likely to be in prison than whites, and Hispanics 3 times more likely. Only 10% of whites make up the ranks of gang members…..maybe they can’t adjust to being a minority?



The color of crime is truly black or brown in texture here in the most powerful country in the history of the world. Think tanks, governmental organizations locally, regionally, and nationally have spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars to give us statistics, and graphs that tell us where the numbers track.


Identifying the numbers is…..well, I suppose helpful… a perfect world, but we do not live in a perfect world. The numbers connected with the problems have been issued but a cure for the problems remains as elusive as that old needle in the haystack.


Actually the cure is quite simple, and surprisingly doesn’t cost an arm and leg…..we put people to work, people really, really want to work, they want to be a contributing factor in society. With little exception people want to feel good about themselves, and realize quickly that accomplishing something through their labor and sweat is really neat.


However we must remember that some people in high places have little or no interest in guiding people… matter the color, in the right direction. There can be money made from this type of attitude, and they know it. I’ll give you just one example, the United States forests, all the underbrush, wind-blown damage, and dead trees. Get the unemployed, the underemployed, or in some cases, the criminal element in local jails to remove all of this unsightly underbrush.


Parks playground areas, baseball, football parks and stadiums is another area that people of color, be it red, white, black, brown, or yellow could go to work…..just like the old WPA. Oh sure the money for material and wages would come from the taxpayer, but we already pay for supporting these folks, but my plan would give a return for our collect dollars…..kind of a more bang for your buck thing.


Justice in America must become blind again…..kind of like it was in the old days…..for all our sakes!


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