Wednesday, July 17, 2013


(Asian Times, Washington Post)

(Huffington Post, Aljazeera)

(Pete Yost, Frazer Chronicle)


Central intelligence, the NSA, the FBI, federal, state and local law enforcement, as a people we are inundated with so many spooks, I’m shocked that we don’t read about them tripping over one another. From computer databases, to drones, eves-dropping, to sniffing the mail, these jokers seem to have every angle covered from the front to the back, sideways, up, down, and inside-out. Makes me wonder how a crime can be happen with all the surveillance going on.


From listening posts to video cameras, radar, heat detecting devices, computer chips, and probably all sorts of spy stuff that’s inside everyday products that we buy…..why hell, I’ll bet some agency or another here in the U.S. knows when a person farts, takes a fee, and picks his nose. It’s getting so a guy can’t even check out that next door neighbor with the foxy body in the new bikini.


Everything and I mean everything that has to do with snooping here in the United States is filed under national security. Want to sound unpatriotic, challenge or question these people and their organizations and you’re opening yourself up for all sorts of grief. This activity isn’t new, in fact its decades old, almost a hundred years old.


Where do you think the word subversive came from…..only this type of subversive is in reverse, we aren’t trying to overthrow the government, there all about keeping the citizenry, us, in some sort of cataloged database organized into job description, religion, political persuasion, and groups that we may belong to.


Sadly we have nobody to blame but ourselves, we are the leader of the free world, the most developed the most powerful, and the most benevolent. However somewhere along the line we somehow forgot to check our own back-doors. The bastards of deceit, those people who take whatever little independence, rights and privacy that we still posses, and simply sweep them away.


Neither political party is to blame, no sect of people are less guilty than another, we all share equally in the blame, or more to the point, the ability to distance ourselves from the important issues of the day, the checks and balances that our country’s governmental process uses to guard against such nonsense as spying on our own citizens, listening into cell and phone conversations, tracking and profiling people for…..whatever.



Do you really think that the rest of the developed world isn’t hanging on every scandal and breaking revelation regarding how our government deals with us?  You must be kidding, the actions domestically actually undermine our foreign policy programs, and efforts. To operate under the guise of spreading democracy, and freedom… most is a joke.


Leaks, whistle blowers, document secrets that are listed in the U.S. press, without a doubt the United States is its own worst ambassador. The latest political blunder for the United States on the world state is the NSA debacle that has the world snickering, actually it has me tittering a bit, these people go before Congress, and people say one thing one day, and contradict themselves the next…..or they refuse to answer questions using the 5th amendment with regards to self incrimination, are you people actually serious?


And now the newest twist…..vehicle registrations, and other information about a person’s private automobile likes, dislikes, pattern, and probably speed, stops, and how often a cell phone is used while driving, you know, inattentive driving…..oh wait, the cell phone thing is already taken care of in an earlier pervasive act by the NSA.


There was a headline in Aljazeera today, (US: DRONES, POLICE AND THE LIMITS OF LEGISLATION.) It said that 81 counties and city law enforcement agencies had applied for authorization to use drones inside the United States.


Law enforcement have been trying to use these things, (drones) trying to convince locals that drones are can be used for all sorts of humanitarian innocuous beneficial endeavors as conducting search and rescue, detecting forest fires, and tracking down wandering Alzheimer patients…..I wonder if a drone could be used to take the proverbial cat out of the tree?



Wait a minute, I thought sweeps week was in February or March, the time were television networks tout their top shows, and ready themselves to dump the weak sister episodes. Maybe world-wide sweeps weeks happen all the time.


Maybe the U.S. is bearing its disgusting stupid oppression by the government against and on its people so that people in Africa who have television access will tune in. Are American companies preparing to advertise on these stations, and which network owns the rights to these foreign television networks?


The probing activity that the United States government does on a daily basis is, on the face of it, despicable. It reminds me of my local weather-caster, he tries to pinpoint the exact minute, hour and second that a rain-storm will happen, and which side of the street will get the most rain…..give me a break.


It seems that our intelligence community has the same mentality, although we’ll never know because all the information is classified, conveniently. These talking heads talk about doing their job because nobody got shot, or blown to smithereens.


I’ve never agreed with that analogy, by golly, if we are paying billions for a service (intelligence), I want a report…..even if that report is after the fact, I still feel the need to know where my money is going. Maybe than eavesdropping on American citizens wouldn’t be a question.


It almost reminds me of a term I read about 70 some years ago…..there was a phrase that is destined to never be forgotten by mankind, the phrase, “Heil Hitler!”



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