Thursday, June 20, 2013


(USA TODAY, YAHOO! NEWS, Federation of American Scientists)

(BBC News, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Frazer Chronicle)


FLASH…..President Obama seeks nuclear arms reduction; Director of FBI tells Congress it uses drone surveillance in United States, and finally bipartisan support for immigration bill. Sounds more like a flush to me. How long have people, people in authority been trying to reduce the number of nuclear devises in the world…..FOREVER! Is it surprising that the Federal Bureau of Investigation SPYS on its own people, and IMMIGRATIONS, are you serious, we don’t enforce the immigration laws already on the books.


Thursdays seem to always be a day in newspaperdom when the proverbial crap hits the fan; news stories seem to need two or three days to reach their crescendo. And this week seems to be no different; of course the immigration question as well as the nuclear reduction subject have both made the rounds on Capitol Hill.


Spying on Americans is…..well…..kind of like just deserts, could the admission of the agency using spy drones on its own people be a shocking admission, or just simply another case of a SPOOK agency getting SPOOKIER?


And guess what, I haven’t read a single line in any of the articles written by Kathleen Hennessey and Paul Richter regarding nuclear reductions, William Douglas and Kevin Thibodeaux reporting on the drone incident, and Thomas Ferraro and Richard Cowan discussing the immigrations bill.


I am taking nothing away from these reporters, just the opposite, I think their reporting is concise, informative and relevant to today’s issues and I appreciate the effort. However, none is earth shaking, or new news.



Nuclear disarmament refers to both the act of reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons and to the end state of a nuclear-free-world, in which nuclear weapons are completely eliminated. Eventually if this does not happen, we will be fighting World War 4 with sticks and stones, that is nothing more than a simple fact.


Since August 6th, 1945 when the A bomb was dropped in Japan, calmer heads have decried the elevating use of what they had devised. Military had one opinion, scientists another, and by far the most dangerous of opinions was that held by the politicians who had absolutely no comprehension of what had been unleashed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki some 68 years ago.


Exotic names like Trinity, (first nuclear weapons test), Little Boy, Fat Man, Operation Crossroads, Lucky Dragon, Manhattan Project, the Federation of Atomic Scientists and the Pubwash Conference which discussed the… yet little known effects of what actually had been unleashed onto an unsuspecting world.


The full meaning of nuclear radioactive fallout from the Japanese bombing, and weapons testing took until 1954 before the general public became informed…..and exactly how much could the average person really understand about what was being aired to the public?



Peace movements emerged in Japan in 1954 converging to form a unified council against atomic and hydrogen bombs. There were rallies, demonstrations, an estimated 35 million signatures in a petition calling for a ban on all nuclear weapons and tests. Thousands marched in the four days from Trafalgar Square, London, to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment near Aldermaston in Berkshire, England to voice their objection to nuclear weapons.


Linus Pauling and his wife presented the United Nations with petitions signed by more than 11,000 scientists calling for an end to nuclear weapons testing. A scientific survey headed by a Doctor Louise Reiss demonstrated conclusively that above ground nuclear testing posed significant public health risks to human beings.



The above protests, both by concerned citizens from around the world, as well as the scientific community were all lodged before…..1960. Seems inconceivable doesn’t it, how in hell could people have become so aware of such powerful weapons and their dangers in less than two decades.


Without exception nuclear detonations are the most devastating of the weapons of mass destruction, a perfect illustration a person only needs to view some of the devastation from Hiroshima or the international furor over the accidental but enormous radiation leak from the Chernobyl power plant disaster.


That disaster and the ensuing contamination from Chernobyl was larger than would have been expected from a small nuclear war in which a dozen or so weapons of nominal yield were exploded at altitudes intended to maximize blast damage.


You see, in NOT technical terms, what you have in a nuclear bomb is a whole bunch of conflicting incidents that happen in milliseconds, the blast, heat and the piston like force that knocks everything down in its path, and of course the accompanying thermal, ionic and residual radiation which…..if the blast, the heat or the piston like force hasn’t obliterated you, will render you dead in a relatively short period of time.


Needless to say, for many people who survive a nuclear weapons event, their days are numbered, and they’d better not venture out at night cause they’ll glow like a Christmas tree in December. And don’t worry, nuclear blast injuries and health care issues will be the least of your problems, communications will be almost non-existent, the electromagnetic pulse generated by the detonation of a single nuclear weapon at a high altitude can be a threat to military communications, computer, and intelligence.


A smart man once said, “If you’re in a war zone, the safest place to be is in the military,” and it holds true today. Military personally, high ranking personal know troop deployment, and enemy location, and realize the impending movement of those troops.


By far the best option is for every nation around the world to come to grips with the fact that everybody loses if nuclear weapons are used. THE bomb, and the accompanying problems that everybody suffers is an undeniable fact not only of physics, but has been graphically illustrated by their use in two Japanese cities. Need further proof, check out the folly that above ground testing has done and the possible underground explosions may have caused.





You can really have fun with this one…..of course it’s not funny, the aspects of an eye in the sky, of watching (inadvertently) a person’s movements as the eye spy in the sky tracks a bad guy, and you mistakenly get in the way…..could you be mistaken as a part of whatever, or worse…..get shot?


Whether it’s the National Security Agency, (NSA) the C.I.A. or the F.B.I. they operate under the same way of thinking… SPOOKS, according to their way of operating, (everybody is guilty until proven innocent,) it’s the way they roll.


When in hell are we going to learn…..if you give up a right, it’s usually gone forever, and pretty quick they’ll pluck another right off the freedom tree that has been fought and paid for and established over the past two hundred years.


Oh ya I understand that times have changed, things are more complicated, the world is a dangerous place, and that there are people OUT there that don’t like us…..and want to hurt us. Sadly I’m beginning to think that those people OUT there…..ARE RIGHT HERE, and are American citizens who reside in our ever expanding SPOOK industry.


By using the most elemental math possible, where one and one equal two, in an ever expanding industry, customers or in this case victims need to be developed. Exactly where do you think that FBI Director Robert Mueller would be if it weren’t for his position at the agency?


Actually I’m glad that you ask that question…..because I’ve got the answer for you, a lawyer…..yes that’s right Robert Swan Mueller III was graduated from Princeton University, New York University, and University of Virginia School of Law. He’s a Juris Doctor for God sakes, a professional of law practice…..he’d have been an attorney, but not your garden variety type, (a professional type).


Not only does Mueller and his FBI buddies not worry about a secret drone program…..after the fact that want more authority to peek into our private lives. Hold the fricken phone…..they can’t look into my bathroom…..can they, the bedrooms okay, nothing ever happens there…..but not the bathroom, that’s just way to much info for any one organization to have, sadly…, the bathroom is where most of my effort for the day carries on, you know, number one and two, it’s a victory when I can do both at the same time.


Using drones on American citizens by American citizens is just way out there, it’s stupid and outlandish to even be considered not only by these SPOOK agencies, but any member of Congress that would even consider it. Stop right now…..and go into private practice Mr. Mueller.



Okay I understand that you have a job, but this last subject is really easy for everybody (that is an American citizen, to understand. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, really it’s a question…..and here it is, “what part of illegal don’t you understand.” Our government seems to have taken that word, illegal right out of the conversation…’s now called the Immigrations Bill!


Okay I can stand that, what I can’t stand is some joker, Spanish, Mexican, or American using the phrase “immigration rights”, referring to illegal immigrants…..illegals don’t have rights, they’re like my kids used to be, (they had no rights until into their teen years, and even then their rights were muffled).



I could care less about taxes paid, or governmental benefits taken by these people, which includes hospital emergency care. The question to me is a very simple one, when in hell are we going to start to enforce the laws that are on the books today?


Secure borders… must be joking, unless you’re talking a 50’ fence around the United States from California back to California, and border guards stationed ever 100’, it’s the only way, and we’re not prepared to do this.


But adding politics to the equation is a typical ploy by both parties to enhance voter backing…..and all the while business, big and small, sit by and smile, smile because the spigot of cheap labor continues. Mexicans who come to the United States illegally aren’t making a living wage and they can’t afford to send money home.


The issue really, really is simple, it’s a power struggle between industry that wants’ cheap labor and politicians that want what they preserve as more votes. Nowhere in the dialoged, anyway in a serious light, is the question of a better life talked about. Why you might ask, well, because have you ever seen where these people live, where they work, and the violence that they have to deal with on a daily basis.


A better life…..surely you jest…..say, you’re not one of those people who rely on immigrant landscapers are you?



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