Tuesday, June 18, 2013


(AlterNet, Linus van Pelt)

(Jared DeFife, Allen Clifton)

(Frazer Chronicle)


I’m really excited, I swam half a mile this morning, ate rye toast, (with peanut butter and sugarless jelly…..and developed a new word) now I gotta let you know that this all happened before 9:00 A.M. here in my little bungalow with my lovely wife in Green Bay, Wisconsin…..U.S.A.


The word, CONSERVADEMO, isn’t it a lovely word, see how bold it looks, how demonstrative it is, why even a blind man could see it…..CONSERVA, it stands for conservatives, and DEMO, democrats silly. My new word takes in both dominate political parties, Republican as well as Democrat, and puts them under one roof. Now the resources from both dominating parties can band together and share the wealth of ingenuity to make the United States a true world leader.


A bipartisan atmosphere can dominate the political spectrum from this day forward…..sorry newspapers, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck will have to enter the real world and get jobs to make ends meet just like the rest of us.


And Fox News, well they do have Fox Sports Networks; they’ll just have to concentrate their collective efforts there. Hey I’ve got an idea, Fox does have some really hot broadcasters, they could maybe interview athletes, coaches, or become color commentators, maybe then they’d make some sense.


You know, listening to people blab on the radio or television about conservatives, liberals, reading the op-ed’s that are written every day in hundreds of news papers throughout America doesn’t really solve anything, what it does do is completely muddy the issue!


I was in an airport one time, waiting for my flight (this was years ago, I no longer fly, makes my arms sore), and struck up a conversation with a women. During the course of the conversation she steered it into the political arena, and said that liberals were “Godless thugs who worshiped the Devil.”


I was shocked and appalled at her opinion and asked here (where in hell she had ever gotten that idea, that liberals worshiped the Devil). Her answer, she heard it from her brother, “who had heard it from his pastor.” Well there you have it…..if a pastor said it…..it had to be true.


As quickly as I could, I moved myself as far away from this kook as I could, I didn’t want to fall under her spell. But it did get me to thinking, if this poor, misguided individual could have thoughts about another human being like she expressed to me, how many others would be in the same boat as her?



A Conservative favors the preservation of the established customs, values, and opposing innovative change, to be cautious, traditional views. There is slur after slur aimed at the conservative viewpoint, and over the years that have become more and more destructive.


Some really famous people have slammed the conservative way of thinking, John Maynard Keynes, “”I do not know which makes a man more conservative, to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past.” And Franklin D. Roosevelt, “A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, never learns to walk forward.


Of course conservatives have changed over the years, the Grand Old Party, GOP which held its first party convention on July 6th 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. Known also as the Know Nothing Party, their initial platform opposed slavery and the southern Democratic Party.


I personally think that the Republican Party and the conservative view that seems to permeate their thinking is not necessarily the way the vast majority of the party wants to be perceived, they however have a super hard time distancing themselves from the neocon brethren.


Another huge misnomer is the stuff that the Limbaugh’s, the Becks and the Larry Savages throw out there, it’s a constant stream of verbiage from these types of people that I think actually hurts a conservatives beliefs and hinders how they can get their message out there.


A liberal is obviously different than a conservative, and you can see it instantly, the word conservative (has more letters in the word). Liberal, letters number 7, while the word conservative has 12, any dummy can see that.


The differences between the two ways of thinking really don’t have subtle differences, the differences are like night and day, and that is a good thing. Liberals are not bound by tradition, authority’s attitudes views or dogmas; free from bigotry.   


A liberal does favor some reform, seems to be open to new ideas for progression, and does tolerate ideas and behavior of others…..sometimes. It is a clinical fact that liberals tend to give freely, and joyfully a liberal…..a true liberal is not bound by tradition, is loose and not approximate.


If conservatism is the strict big brother of politics, then liberals are the kid brother who bears watching, but must be allowed to flourish, and grow, and follow their heart. In this process, their efforts will enhance both political views, and hence, strengthen the country, when government is allowed to work in a cohesive effort; it can be a beautiful thing to behold.



Great, this idea allows us to…..never, ever get anything accomplished, in our churches, in the halls of government, or in the bar-room. What a boring outlook, surround yourself with like minded people, you all have the same ideas, the same habits, and the same likes and dislikes. A wonderful recipe for an absolutely nothing pie or cake.


What fool ever thought that one up, probably one of those red or blue state people, come on, you know the type, their houses  are all rowed up, 60’ from the curb, two stall garage, basic cable, and read the same newspaper ever fricken night.


Friday night, Mom and Dad go out for an ice cream social, leave the kids home with the next door neighbor and are home by 11:00 P.M. at the latest. Saturday, during the summer Dad golf’s with the same lame partners, and talks the same crap.


Many a conservative as well as liberal follows the same life-style rules…..it’s safe, comfortable, and safe, routine is always safe, and it feels good too. However there is a down-side to this existence…..it’s just that, an existence, the boat never, ever get’s rocked, and there is never an exchange of ideas…..hence, never any meaningful change.



Without exceptions conservatives tend to be better organized, stable, and thrifty, and can sure as hell have a stronger just-world beliefs leading to stronger fears of mortality and ambiguity. Conservatives tend to also be easier to control; can be more inhibited as well as uncertain.


Liberals usually are gregarious, impulsive, more emotionally expressive, and usually simply let things hang out there. Some say that there is a different in brain scans between a liberal and a conservative, something in the amygdala a walnut sized thing deep inside the brain. Humans have two of these things that govern a whole plethora of actions and reactions that we all do, or are receptive too.


Of course some us are more prone to think, act and do things differently than other people, so a conservative could be one part of a human’s makeup, while a liberals amygdala might be full of bong rosin and have liver problems passed on from another mother.


So before any of us…..next time call, either a conservative or a liberal a derogatory name, he’d better remember the amygdala thingy, and how it might be injured…..at birth, and the person has no alternative but to act the way he does. It should illustrate in graphic detail why we are important to each other.



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