Sunday, June 9, 2013


(Frazer Chronicle)


Did you ever really wonder why there was air, oh sure I know what you’re going to say, “What a stupid question… that we can all breathe…..what a jerk.”  Since this is my blog, and I get to ask the questions, your initial knee jerk reaction of what a stupid question is all wrong, and full of hot air!


Any idiot knows that we need air to live, but I’m talking about the artificial kind of air, air made by compressors, or tire pumps, any kind of mechanism that creates air for our use. Like to blow up basketballs, soccer, rugby and footballs, tennis balls don’t count, their made with air already in them…..although I’m not sure how they can do that, and who the hell are they?


Air is an amazing thing, sometimes air is gentle, you only know that it’s there because we are alive and still breathing, other times, like in a tornado, or a hurricane we question whether air is our friend or not…..yet air is always there, always constant, and mostly always usable.


Just to show you that I’m really not an idiot, let me share with you some tidbits about the air we breathe, and motivate through during an average day. Air is the atmosphere that covers the earth, and keeps harmful radiation from us, although lately its job has become harder because of emissions in it, (atmosphere) from us.


It’s a rather complicated process, the making of this air that we breath, that is our main sustenance for life. Photosynthesis by plants and breathing by animals releases gases into the atmosphere, constituting the major components of our air. Of course there are other gases that go into the process, but you already know that…..suffice it to say that “air, and the manufacturing of it is one of nature’s novelties, and wonders.”


You know, in a way government, any government is like the air that we breathe, air has many components that are needed for life sustaining air, and government needs lots of components for it to be livable, and successful. Like air, government is a mixture of little things, all mixed together to get the desired results. However, desired results are where government and air part company completely.


Air for human consumption is universally, and the higher you go in altitude the easier it is to understand how important air is to us. Government isn’t for everybody, and the types of government proves this statement out. There are governments out there that I’ve never heard of, governments, the names of which I can’t pronounce, let along speil.



Now there’s a damn good question, one that deserves a bit of ponder time, we can all understand the air thing, I’m glad that I could enlighten that question. But government, and why we need it, like the man said, “To be or not to be…..that is the question.” If you listen to the right wingers, the Tea Bagger, or the Rush Limbaugh and the Neo-cons, America needs less government.


That last part about the Limbaugh Neo-cons…..I’m not too sure I understand that, wasn’t the largest governmental department created during the George W. Bush presidency, Homeland Security, with around 200,000 employees and an equal number of private contractors…..I guess I’d call almost half a million employees a pretty big department.



But I digress, let’s get back on point…..government and air, we have established why we need air, and I’ll ask the question again, why do we need government? Really the answer is relatively simple, the short answer is (we need government to protect us against us). If there wasn’t government, and the rules, regulations…..and laws that come from government, Pete Green down the block, who is 6’-6” and weighs 300 pounds would come over to my place and kick my butt whenever he damn well pleased.


However today I am protected from Pete Green and his violent evil ideas by law enforcement personnel, and the threat that if Mr. Green gets up in my face, it’s not me he’ll have to deal with…..but the law, and the judicial system that we have in place…..which was put there by our…..(say it with me), the government!


There are Dictators, Despotism, Aristocracy, Fascism, and all sorts of Monarchies, the number of which is way too long for me to list herein. However without exception, every single type of government has a ruling class, a hierarchy with some black booted, brown uniformed stomp-trooper that makes sure that the law of the land is adhered to by the citizenry.


There might come a time when the human race won’t need government to establish rules and regulations that we must honor and follow…’ll probably happen when somebody takes the race out of human race, until then I believe that we are saddled with some form of government.



It’s funny how conservatives are usually businessmen, by far business wants less government and Republicans want less government, even though they are part of government…..another question in my life that I’ll probably never figure out.


I’ve watched our governor here in Wisconsin, a Republican, Scott Walker who has championed a less stringent environmental department, has lead the charge to break the back of organized unions in the public sector, and is pro business as well as wanting less government in Wisconsin as well as in Washington.


I wonder, to make a statement for smaller government…..would Scott Walker cut his staff in half, would stop hiring cronies to fill government agency seats, and maybe make the supreme sacrifice, and go to part-time, and move out of the governor’s mansion, and community in his own personal car to and from work every day like the rest of us…..ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRICKIN MIND! Of course he wouldn’t, he has his eye are a trip to the White House in Washington, and residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Government unfortunately is a necessary evil, and Republicans as well as Democrats understand this fact, how else could either party claim power unless their legions hold office making up a majority. The single biggest reason that conservatives almost hunger for less government is power, less government gives Capitalism a better chance at success.


Capitalism is supposedly the economic system that America practices, although when I went to get the Sunday paper this morning I noticed that gas had crept up to $4.09.9 a gallon… every gas station I drove by…..even my own personal gas pump, so much for Capitalism at least when you’re talking about petroleum.




Buying, selling, trading, working and hiring employees always works better under a Capitalistic, or free market system, usually for the business owner. When I was working, I don’t recall an employer, any of my employers anyways offering a wage increase unless I dragged him kicking, and fighting all the way to the pay window for my extra pay.


Somewhere along the line we are going to have to come to some sort of middle ground where both opinions about what sort of government we need can join hands and decide what not only we want as a representative government, but what works the best for all involved.


To my way of thinking way too much weight is afforded to the word sovereignty in our country, the word is just another meaning for power. There’s federal, state, region, county, township, city, town, village and even incorporated towns and villages. Good God we seem to need all sorts of power mongers running around telling us what we can do and can’t.


See what I mean, a middle ground is needed for us to get out of the funk that we seem to be mired in, and it better come pretty damn soon.


In the final analysis we need air to live here on this planet, and we also need government so that we not only can survive, but flourish, and attain our optimum potential, you could say that “it’s in the air.”



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